> Another way of looking at Global Warming versus Global Cooling?

Another way of looking at Global Warming versus Global Cooling?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't think 14C is the baseline for the MONTHLY anomalies that GISS is reporting.

Typically, the anomalies are calculated based on a difference from the average for that month. Look at the hemisphere tables for 2010. Nov was much warmer than the summer. And the global number is the average of Northern and Southern hemisphere numbers, suggesting they can't be moving the baseline for the global chart.

You've been posting this fuzzy math for a couple of days now and despite your clarification in this question, I still have no idea what you are on about nor how you cherry-picking temperature data, time-series and introducing an unexplained 0.50C 'variance' somehow helps your argument.

For starters, could you explain how you arrived at the values for each time series? (I.e,"Jan ‘93 to July ‘93 +0.68C").


Sure. And I too can use fuzzy maths and introduce the variants I want to show that GISTEMP data actually predicts the exact date the Second Coming will occur.

Edit @ Zippi:

You are calculating increases and decreases in monthly temperatures by using the 1951 - 1980 annual mean (so far so good) but then you subtract one from another over totally cherry-picked time-periods. You cannot use the 1951 - 1980 baseline to calculate monthly temperatures and then forget about that same baseline which is what you are doing. And thus the Jan' 1893 - Jul' 1893 period which is comprised of all negative figures (colder than baseline) is magically turned into a warming of 0.68C (explain that to your fellow deniers). And then you proceed to cherry-pick totally arbitrary time periods (some times just months, other times multiple years) to 'prove' exactly what? That there are periods of cooling and warming? No sh1t!

What's wrong with using pre-established time periods (ie, years) and annual variations to the baseline as the data is presented by GISTEMP? Is it perhaps because it does not give you the results you are looking for?


There are only three things (and one of them rarely happens) that can happen between consecutive temperature measurements – the measurement can go up, go down, or stay the same (and since identical consecutive measurements are rare, there are really only two possibilities – up or down).

Even if the data contain a low frequency trend, in the higher frequencies you can still expect the +/- differences (at least qualitatively) to be around 50-50 (like flipping a coin).

Congratulations. You’ve shown that something that goes up and down – goes up and down.


edit --

>>I am illustrating the extreme points over time periods.<<

No, you are not. Identifying "extreme" points is tricky business since there is no solid mathematical definition of what that even means.

As a general practice, 3 standard deviations is used as some threshold - and it works so long as the probability distribution is more-or-less well behaved.

>> Using NASA's anomaly of the "true" land/ocean temperature used to establish our current "Global Warming"<<

They are not anomalies of “true” values – because there is no set of “true” values due to measurement inconsistencies associated with homogeneity and stationarity. Anomalies are used because they allow “real world” data to be compared and combined. And, the use of anomalies (aka normalized values, white-noise residuals, etc.) is not unique to climate science.

Similarly, “variance” has a specific meaning – it is the average of the squared distance of values from the sample mean (i.e., the squared standard deviation), as does “extrapolation” – which also is completely unrelated to your exercise.

No one cares if you want to play with the numbers – as long as you do not pretend that it has anything to do with real mathematical analysis or real mathematical concepts and then get all pis-y about it.

>> Excuse me if I don't adhere to your "GHG Theory<<

What you are saying is that you do not adhere to mathematics and science. And, that’s fine; but, you should at least be honest enough to say so.

What's left out here is the 'results' of warming, or more to the point question as to where the excess retained heat energy went. If it stayed in the atmosphere 'average' temperatures would of course rise. The problem is, heat moves rapidly from warm to cold. That's why we see ice melting particularly in the Northern hemisphere. If it wasn't 'warmer' the ice would...what?

Of course you can deny that the ice is 'the same', or even that the ice pack at the North Pole has 'expanded', but as ALL the naval authorities in the world including the US, Russia, and everyone else, not to mention trans ocean shippers disagree.... I dunno! Agribusiness interests, insurance companies, private weather advisory companies, state governments with ocean fronts, ski resorts and power companies all currently plan for a warmer climate and more powerful and frequent storms. Look up 'Climate change and ski resorts'... then do the same with 'Climate change and US Navy'. 'Climate change and agriculture'. Toss in 'Climate change and anything else you can think of'.

Zippo How many more times do you have to post these temps before Guness gives you a medal?


Sagebrush So now you think God is causing this...What happened to the Nazis, do they have the month off?

If you knew how to write a computer program, I would suggest that you write a program that consisted of a rising trend plus random noise. You could even use realistic values for the trend and the noise variance. Then you could generate your own plot and divide it up into "cooling trends" and "warming trends" just like you've done here.

Then look a few hundred years into the future, and see where you're at.

EDIT: Sure Zippi62, keep practicing your numerology or casting your bones or whatever it is you think you're doing, you wouldn't want any math or science to get in the way of your beliefs.

Global warming ended in 2012/ all seasons have returned to normal naturally and our environment was never harmed at anytime, no matter what you were told. Mike

OMG Good thing you have no credibility as a climate change expert. It would be scary if anyone intelligent believed you

you're up for the next Nobel prize in Obfuscation.

Anyway you look at it, The forces that God put in place are in control, not man.

Using NASA's anomaly of the "true" land/ocean temperature used to establish our current "Global Warming" situation created by scientists needing a job, I have extrapolated a new way to look at Global average temperature variations by identifying the extremes from the beginning of mechanical measuring to the present. If you think this is "cherry picking", that's understandable, but it occurs to me that temperatures do naturally vary between a boundary line naturally. I have balanced the warming trends with the cooling trends using 0.50C as my variance from one extreme to the next. Most of the extremes are well above the 0.50C variance, but there are a few that are below.

The point of developing this temperature variance chart is to show that there is COOLING in modern temperature anomalies.

Here's the list :

Jan 1880 to Feb ‘82 +0.39C (Jan 1880 - 13.67C is the starting Global average temperature)

Feb ‘82 to Jan ‘85 -0.61C (3 years)

Jan ‘85 to Dec ‘85 +0.58C (11 months)

Dec ‘85 to Jan ‘87 -0.60C

Jan ‘87 to Feb ‘89 +0.74C

Feb ‘89 to Jan ‘93 -1.01C (4 years) (-2.525C per decade - Global Cooling?)

Jan ‘93 to July ‘93 +0.68C (6 months) (Oops! - +6.8C per decade?)

July ‘93 to Jan ‘95 -0.33C

Jan ‘95 to Oct ‘96 +0.53C

Oct ‘96 to Mar ‘98 -0.59C

Mar ‘98 to Nov ‘99 +0.62C

Nov ‘99 to Jan 1904 -0.72C (5 years)

Jan ‘04 to Apr ’06 +0.59C

Apr ’06 to Jan ’09 -0.59C

Jan ’09 to Jan ’14 +0.59C (5 years)

Jan ’14 to Dec ’16 -0.71C

Dec ’16 to Jul ’17 +0.49C (7 months)

July ’17 to Dec ’17 -0.47C (5 months)

Dec ’17 to Oct ’18 +0.62C (10 months)

Oct ’18 to Dec ’20 -0.39C

Dec ’20 to Jan ’21 +0.43C (1 month)

Jan ’21 to Feb ’22 -0.37C

Feb ’22 to Jan ’26 +0.59C (4 years)

Jan ’26 to Mar’27 -0.50C

Mar ’27 to Oct ’27 +0.37C

Oct ’27 to Feb ’29 -0.55C

Feb ’29 to Nov ’30 +0.68C

Nov ’30 to Dec ’33 -0.56C

Dec ’33 to Feb ’35 +0.58C

Feb ’35 to Feb ’36 -0.50C (1 year)

Feb ’36 to Dec ’39 +0.73C

Dec ’39 to Jan ’40 -0.52C (1 month)

Jan ’40 to Jan ’44 +0.42C (4 years)

Jan ’44 to Dec ’46 -0.63C

Dec ’46 to Jan ’48 +0.44C

Jan ’48 to Feb ’51 -0.55C

Feb ’51 to Feb ’53 +0.63C

Feb ’53 to Mar ’55 -0.52C

Mar ’55 to Jan ’58 +0.69C

Jan ’58 to Mar ’60 -0.73C

Mar ’60 to Feb ’61 +0.54C

Feb ’61 to Apr ’64 -0.49C

Apr ’64 to Mar ’68 +0.57C

Mar ’68 to Jan ’72 -0.51C

Jan ’72 to Feb ’73 +0.57C

Feb ’73 to Feb ’74 -0.58C

Feb ’74 to May ’77 +0.53C

May ’77 to July ’78 -0.44C

July ’78 to Dec ’79 +0.60C

Dec ’79 to Mar ’82 -0.49C

Mar ’82 to Jan ’83 +0.55C

Jan ’83 to Dec ’84 -0.56C

Dec ’84 to Jan ’88 +0.60C

Jan ’88 to Nov ’88 -0.46C

Nov ’88 to Mar ’90 +0.65C

Mar ’90 to Sep ’92 -0.75C

Sep ’92 to Feb ’95 +0.79C

Feb ’95 to Jan ’96 -0.51C

Jan ’96 to Feb ’98 +0.62C

Feb ’98 to May ’99 -0.56C

May ’99 to Mar 2002 +0.59C

Mar ’02 to Jul ’04 -0.50C

Jul ’04 to Oct ’05 +0.53C

Oct ’05 to Jan ’08 -0.53C

Jan ’08 to Mar’10 +0.64C

Mar ’10 to Jan ’12 -0.49C

Jan ’12 to present +0.12C (Current Global average temperature is 14.61C)


**All of the positive (+) numbers denote a Global Warming trend**

**All of the negative (-) numbers denote a Global Cooling trend**


But, but but... Warmists/Alarmists say the warming trend since the late 1980's was the fastest rate of warming EVER !!!

Hmm... interesting.
