> Will their be warm winters now because of climate change?

Will their be warm winters now because of climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, there won't be any more warmer winters than there have been in the past, nor should there be much colder winters for a while either.

We are lucky in the U.K. to have the moderating influence of the

Gulf Stream, which helps to moderate our climate considering how far north we are!

It is up to Nature however what is going to happen in the future.

I personally would like to see some signs of 'Global Warming' however all indications currently seem to be contradictory to that!

The winter 2 years ago nearly killed me!

A harsher winter will probably finish me off!

Winters will be slightly shorter and summers slightly longer. 'Average' temperatures may not be much or even any higher perhaps for several years to come. 'Weather' itself may be less predictable as the physics of climate try to balance the extra heat currently being retained into our atmosphere because of an ever increasing lad of CO2 and methane. Eventually we will see a 'different' kind of weather across the temperate zones of the world where most people live.

LOL, NO, there will still be cold weather.

There is some warming, but the environmantalists have gotten on a little kick where they talk stupid absurdities and PRETEND science supports their absurd claims.

The ignorant twattle that they bandy around as their political clap-trap serves no purpose but to scare you into demanding your government to tax you more.

We do need to reduce our CO2 emissions, but any BS you hear that sounds scary, is total crap.

I have engaged in showing every peice of twattle BS scary nightmare scenario is based upon NO DATA. You would think with 5 climate scientists that frequently post here, they would have been able to show me wrong. You would think they would be able to do more than just insult.

The problem is that these people can scare the crap out of the common person and thus get more funding for their "research" but they run aground when they meet anyone who understands numbers and continually asks them for data not models.

I have a PhD in statistics. Modeling is part of my job. With the overparameterization they use in their models, I could model anything in the past and make the future look however I wanted it to. In no way does this make the models accurate. ONLY showing your predictions accurate gives real credence to your models. 95% of their models are overestimating.

This whole thing is being blown up into a climatic apocalypse with scientists overestimating and the media delivering the least likely and most absurdly scary models as if they were fact.

You ahve heard, "if it sounds to good to be true" saying. The "if it sound to bed to be true" is jsut as applicable, especially when the bad leads you to paying more of your hard-earned money.

No they didn't say that 10yrs ago they said it 20yrs ago, and they still get it wrong, UK weather is highly unpredictable, no one can say if the winter will be warm or cold, UK winters vary between warm and wet, and freezing blizzard conditions, and everything in between, a simple blocking high can cause arctic conditions, or an Azores high with an Icelandic low will cause wet and windy weather, neither is altered by CO2 levels.

england will be an exception . the massive amounts of fresh water entering the north atlantic from the glacier melting in greenland and iceland is slowing the gulf stream current that brings warm water to england . england will have a bit colder winters for the next decade .

winters are still cold dont believe me come to indiana here in about 2 months you will die of coldness just more proof against global warming's existence don't believe all the crap they tell you that's just terroists tryig to get america to give up it's energy so that it will be less advanced and thus easier to get rid of.

13 years ago, it was the consensus of all climate scientists that in 10 years, snow would be a rare event, children wouldn't know what snow was. Of course this wasn't right as last years set multi-decade records for snow fall world wide.

I'm in England and i can tell you it certainly won't be much warmer because i'm suprised we don't get snow in summer. i reckon something along those lines will happen in about 50 years, but not recent.


They said that 10 years ago and in most areas of the UK we have been 6 foot in snow. It got worse instead of better.


im in england and are a fan of cold traditional winters....but i saw some guy on tv today say that their will be warm winters from now on because of climate change?........i found that devastating.....tell me is that true? won't there be cold winters anymore because of climate change ?

Every year the ice shelf is melting and eventually will cause the worlds oceans to rise.

YES, the cold weather is over forever. And you better lock your doors at night, because the boogie man is out there and he wants to GET YOU.

Ye its late Septemeber October soon an still about 16 degrees crazy right

Maybe one day, but not for a long time.
