> How much should we spend to slow down global warming?

How much should we spend to slow down global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If they said we want to tax you to build more nuclear power plants okay, if they said we want to tax you to plant 10 billion trees okay, but they don't, they don't care about the environment, just the money and increasing control over us.

Fact is that the warmers only current plans for reducing CO2 involve a regressive tax plan. This mean that the middle class will take the brunt of the cost.

This tax plan, however, will not be enough to see the reduction that the warmers tell us is necessary. AND they know this. In fact, the warmers wil not even talk about the amount of warming or CO2 emissions will be avoided by such a plan. So what will the next plan be? How much will that cost? Who will pay? The middle class again?

Some warmers talk as if their plans will save us money. Whose money will it save? How is that savings calculated? Will it save the rich as the middle class continuously spends more on energy? And since they are raising the cost of hydrocorbons to make the more expensive "cleaner" options more attractive, do they have any plans to force those "cleaner" energy producers bring down the cost to a lower level, or will the rich just keep getting richer?

These are questions that I am going to be called a liar, stupid, insane, etc. for asking. They will throw insult after insult at me for asking these questions. Is that what you should expect? Should we just give the politicians a blank check? Do you trust the politicians with a blank check? And if "science" is supporting everything the warmers say (ridiculous, but their claim nonetheless), is asking for the numbers against science???

I would not wish to spend any of my money to slow down the fallacy known as 'global warming'!

Actually IF mankind had any measurable influence on climate, I might be tempted let my tax money go insuring a warmer planet!

However it is all complete BS!

You may have a difficult time finding a 'middle-class hard-working person' on this forum!

The uneducated followers don't care, as they are simply following the BS and most are probably still living with their parents!

The idea that any amount of money could 'slow down global warming' is farcical to say the least!

virtual suggests China's setting up cap & trade. This is a colossal gem of ignorance. China is setting up coal plants as fast as they can build them. We haven't built one in 20 years. They build one one a week. We would spend money to slow down our economy which is fine with morons who hate and blame the US rather than think rationally.

Do they trust politicians? These are the same idiots that believe we get to keep our doctor, and that Obama visited all 57 states. Of course they trust politicians, at least leftist ones. Intellectual curiosity isn't one of the stronger points. They believe what they are spoon fed.


1. The globe has not warmed for around twenty years.

2. There is no such thing a the globe warming due to man's causes. (AGW)

3. We have already spent over a trillion dollars investigating this subject and it would be throwing good money after bad. All that we can clearly see for that money is Al Gore got rich.

4. CO2 does not control the earth's temperature. It never has even come close to being proven.

Here is where Germany spent $110 billion in order to stave off GW 37 hours. What the heck, it wasn't their money!


"Fact is that the warmers only current plans for reducing CO2 involve a regressive tax plan."

China's setting up cap & trade. Vancouver has a revenue-neutral tax. Several U.S. states are involved in a carbon futures market. Most of the economic fixes proposed to get us off fossll fuels come with an economic analysis attached. According to conservatives, the EPA's new polljution rules are about global warming. The Phillipines are bragging about tree planting. Oh, and there's a new fuel-rod assembly that promises to ssignificantly upgrade nuke-plant performance.

Fact is that denial types are rather selective in the "facts" they notice. Too bad they don't do reality checks.

Clearly the rich states in the Northeast, North Central, and West Coast should pay the most because they are the richest states in the union. These rich states have the ability to pay more, and they are also the most responsible for causing so-called "global warming". And since most people in these states think higher taxes will cure so-called "global warming", they will be more than happy to be a part the solution.

All the funding should be cut for the man-made Global Warming SCAM. They have had 30 years of taxpayer money to prove their theory and have FAILED. All of their climate models are fantastically WRONG and the world is NOT warming even withe the highest CO2 levels in thousands of years, according to Alarmists.

The taxpayers of the world have been robbed. The perpetrators of this SCAM should be held accountable.


How much would it cost to switch over to solar and nuclear power?

if jyou have a way of reducing co2, lets hear your solution.

Thus far the plans for raising funds include a regressive tax. This question is directed to you, the middle-class hard-working person.

Don't you think they should tell you how much their plans will cost you?

Don't you think they should tell you how much you will be taxed if their carbon taxes go into affect?

Don't you usually like to know how much you are spending and what you are getting for your money?

And wait until you ask them how much warmign will be avoided by their tax plans, because they don't have an answer for that either.

Is a sufficent answer for you, to trust politicains?

Is it real