> Why would someone who is an expert in hurricanes say global warming is not caused by humans?

Why would someone who is an expert in hurricanes say global warming is not caused by humans?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You must be talking about William Gray. He gave a talk immediately after mine at an American Meteorological Society meeting a few years ago, and he definitely rejects human caused (anthropogenic) global warming. Why does he believe it? He is fairly old, so that it could be throughout his lifetime the effects of humans on climate have been relatively minor, so that's what he's used to. It could also be because of his politics, if you read the answers in here you'll see that is the only reason that many people in here reject it--although they come up with various justifications for it. He may just be out of touch with current science--when I saw his presentation, it looked quite amateurish, some people just don't keep up with the times.

If you're talking about someone OTHER than Gray, then I doubt that they reject anthropogenic global warming entirely--I don't know any that do, although Ryan Maue comes close. He does seem like someone whose politics are completed commingled with his science.

Other hurricane scientists, like Kerry Emanuel and Chris Landsea definitely believe it, although there is still debate over how large an effect it is having on hurricanes and tropical cyclones.

Because it's not. Global warming is a natural thing that would happen whether or not human's existed. Environmentalists always complain about carbon dioxide from car emissions polluting the atmosphere and destroying the ozone layer... But Carbon Dioxide is heavier than air. And it makes up less than 0.001% of the harmful greenhouse gases that are damaging the ozone. Do you know what the most harmful gasses are? Methane and chlorine. The biggest sources of Methane are cow farts and trees. Yes trees. Most trees produce Methane. Only certain trees produce oxygen and only at certain times in their lifespan. Trees actually like CO2 (carbon dioxide) and it makes them flourish. Which is why in areas below sea level, vegetation is high because carbon dioxide is so heavy, and why on very high mountains, the higher you go, the less trees and vegetation there are. There is no money to be made off of trees and cow farts though, so media ignores it. And do you know how chlorine gets up to our ozone? Volcanoes. One of the deadly emissions produced by active volcanoes is chlorine. The most severely damaged areas of our ozone can be found directly over areas with active volcanoes.

Global warming is just the earth's natural change. We are coming out of a mini ice age.

Have you ever seen the painting of George Washington crossing the delaware? The other men in the boat have long poles, they are using those poles to push away the ice. It hasn't been that frozen over since. And temperatures have been steadily increasing ever since. That was in 1776... the industrial revolution wasn't until 1850, yet despite zero human pollution, temperatures still rose.

Many people do not think humans are the primary cause of global warming. The planet has been warming for centuries, and doubling CO2 levels according to basic physics only warms the planet about 1.2C. Determining the final value for humans and how much is a natural factor is difficult.

Probley because my Global Teams from all walks of life ran my experiments looking at the ALIEN Organism that caused our Glaciers to melt and thats not man made. Once they ran my experiments the Glaciers stopped melting and immediately froze. As for Hurricanes. My Hurricane solution I gave to Governor Christi on the eve of Hurricane Earl and he destroyed Hurricane EARL and I'm not a scientist nor do I work for anyone, only for the whole planet of all species. (civilian) Global Command.

Are you referring to Bill Gray? He fits your description.

If so, I can't help much. I cannot figure Bill Gray out. I try but he doesn't make much sense to me.

He agrees that human activity has enhanced the greenhouse effect, and that it is causing more energy reflected back to the surface. He agrees with everyone else that a doubling of CO2 will increase energy at the surface by 3.7 wm2 (watts per square meter). So, I assume that he would agree with everyone else's calcs that the increase in CO2 is currently adding about 2.9 wm2. But he believes that rather the increasing the temperature of the troposphere that energy goes into evaporation.

For all his time making political lectures he mostly agrees with the "warmists" he attacks. Somehow, the added evaporation he agrees on causes more rain, says he, but those dam warmist are wrong to say it increases rain. I dunno, maybe you can figure out his logic.

He believes that 2.9 wm2 could not possibly have caused the warming we've had this century. He proposes that the warming is caused by the slowing of the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation; i.e. ocean currents have slowed. Because of the slowing, there is less upwelling of cold water in the oceans and the troposphere warms and there is less rain.

Under his hypothesis, the oceans would be cooling as they give off more heat to the atmosphere and sea levels would be declining. But that is not happening, sea level is rising as the oceans warm along with the troposphere. His explanation makes no sense to me.

But if it is Bill Gray you are asking about, read his explanation yourself. Maybe you can make more sense of it than I can.


I think that most folks believe that Man probably has some miniscule impact on climate.

What the vast majority of literate individuals do not believe in is "Catastrophic", Man-caused Global Warming.

The CAGW campaign has the goal of taking control of all energy and the resulting tax revenue.

It is as simple as that. Face it.....if "climate scientists" REALLY believed in CAGW, they would not be jetting all over the world to attend climate conferences.......Right?????

They are paid to lie:

‘Cosmos’ Explains How Corporations Fund Science Denial


He could be the godfather of hurricanes and still NOT be a climatologist

BTW always provide a link

he said that because it is the truth. he has not been bought off by the govt. in the name of creating a new tax

Some climate scientist said Sandy was caused by climate change and they have no proof .

Need this answered asap for geography. The scientist said that it is occurring but just naturally and that humans are not the cause. He is an expert in hurricanes and works in tropical meteorology. Why would he said that this is his opinion?

It is honest to state doubts about AGW. After all, unless we understand the cause of Medieval Warm Period, we can not be sure it is not happening now instead of AGW. OR IN ADDITION TO AGW for that matter!

Expressing certainty that it is not AGW is probably a sign of dementia, fossil fuel money, or religious belief.

Because as a trained and THINKING meteorologist, he can clearly see that only the gullible, naive, and uneducated fall for "global warming".

Simply because he is correct!