> Why is the UN being so skeptical of the IP CC?

Why is the UN being so skeptical of the IP CC?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

DeCaprio is HOT! Al Gore is HOT! LOL!

They are as confused as the greenies on this site. They still have an agenda and nothing will stay their goal. You heard that water and gas don't mix? Well neither does politics and science. They are struggling, that is for sure. If they were smart, they would give up on CO2 and pick on something else because that train has left town. But they have too much invested in CO2 to politically back out now.

Most countries probably are starting to realize that the assinine $48 trillion dollar solutions proposed by the warmers will cause FAR more problems then even the worst case climate change solutions. Combine that with the fact that 95% of the cliamte models are overestimating and you have problem.

What you have is a solution that is so bad that it should only be considered IF AGW poses a serious threat to humanity, combined with reason to believe that AGW poses little threat.

If the warmers were not always begging for more taxes and bigger gov't and would actually proposed sensible solutions, they might have more success. Thankfully, many countries are not to keen on relinquishing their freedoms, and require evidence not scare-mongering.

And you trust a blog....

You do realize, anyone could write a blog.

The IPCC is a scientific body under the auspices of the United Nations (UN). It is the UN.

" ... Accordingly, the recent IPCC projections are falling, an observation that when combined with the global temperature pause may explain why there seems to be a trend in recent news reports emphasizing increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations (summarized above) rather than the purported effects in terms of extreme weather events. It is the effects that are not known; the increases in greenhouse gas concentrations are not disputed by anyone.

With respect to the effects of greenhouse gas concentrations, the evidence suggests that increases in extreme weather events have not happened despite the predictions of many. The past two years have set a record for the fewest tornadoes ever in a similar period, and there has been no trend in the frequency of strong (F3 to F5) tornadoes in the United States since 1950. The number of wildfires is in a long-term decline. It has been eight years since a Category 3 or higher hurricane landed on a U.S. coast; that long a period devoid of an intense hurricane landfall has not been observed since 1900. The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season was the least active in 40 years, with zero major hurricanes. There has been no trend in the frequency or intensity of tropical cyclones, and global cyclone activity and energy are near their lowest levels since reliable measurements began by satellite in the 1970s. ... "

Let us adopt the IPCC temperature sensitivity assumption: a 3.0 degree warming by 2100 attendant upon a doubling of greenhouse gas concentrations from pre-industrial levels. If the entire world were to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020 ― the Obama policy ― the predicted temperature reduction would be about 0.04 degrees C by 2050, and 0.15 degrees C by 2100. (Note that the standard deviation of the surface temperature record is about 0.11 degrees C.) What costs would be justified in pursuit of such outcomes?

Accordingly, the U.N. is denying the prediction trends of the IPCC climate models, denying the IPCC discussions of the evidence, and denying the IPCC modeling evaluation of the Obama policies if adopted by the entire world. Why?

What a weird article, I do not believe the UN is skeptical of the IPCC,.

I am though, they suspiciously downgrade their forcasts while at the same time upgrade their certainty that man is the cause.

There is no such thing as man made Climate Change.

Everyone is skeptical of the IPCC and the whole "global warming" notion.

The Catastrophic AGW cause has been exposed as a scam.

The UN is full of half-wit politicians who don't want to get out of their cars, just like US Cons!

The UN is comprised of many countries and many people who, like republicans in the US, frequently ignore basic facts. http://www.livescience.com/39957-climate...

Because the UN is run by politics and not by science.


DeCaprio is HOT! Al Gore is HOT! LOL!

When did you start believing the UN?