> Why does Apollo astronaut say climate alarmism is the biggest fraud in the field of science today?

Why does Apollo astronaut say climate alarmism is the biggest fraud in the field of science today?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Cunningham received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1960 and his Master of Arts degree in 1961, both in Physics, from the University of California at Los Angeles. He then worked as a scientist for the Rand Corporation while pursuing a doctorate.


I would say the main reason he says that is that he is a scientist that can separate his politics from his science.

Obviously, because he knows more than Jimmy Hansen. He has experienced the whole atmosphere. Whereas, the highest Jimmy ever got was on drugs.

Peggy's comment to Jim Z, "I don't see any evidence that he is a "scientist" at all. I don't think he's done any science in 50 years."

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! It is obvious that Peggy doesn't know the first thing about Astronauts. Astronauts LIVE by the laws of nature. If they violate those laws they are dead. Whereas Jimmy Hansen cannot even live up to the laws of the US. He lied in front of Congress and he corrupted vital data, all against the law. Yet he can sit smugly and live a very comfortable life style even though he broke many laws.

Astronauts do not have that luxury. They life in reality not fiction.

Quote by David Frame, climate modeler, Oxford University: “Rather than seeing models as describing literal truth, we ought to see them as convenient fictions which try to provide something useful.”

Astronauts would not last long in an environment of 'convenient fictions'. James Hansen and Al Gore thrive under such conditions.

I would rather circle the Earth with Cunningham than Jimmy. My chances to get back safely are greater with Cunningham than with a puffed up egotistical communist from Dennison, IA.

He says it because it IsT rue. There is No man made global warming and the arctic ice is at a record amount. Did you know that the hot air windbag AL Gore said that all the ice would be melted by 2013 and New York would be completely under water. The UN is behind the Fraud and their goal is to use the Fraud to reach their goal of a World Dictatorship.

Presumably, because he believed it to be true. Doesn't mean he's right. Even fairly smart people can be completely and utterly wrong about something. Look at Linus Pauling's views on vitamin C and cancer, for example.

Who cares? He's an old guy that hasn't worked in science for 50 years or so. Some of the arguments he makes are very poor, and he seems completely out of touch with the field. He certainly has no special qualifications that would make us believe what he says more than that of actual scientists.

The GOP/Tea/Fox/Jesus freak party is the 'biggest fraud' in the field of anything. Climate change is real...these bozo are 'unreal'.

You can discount his views because he is probably one of those conspiracy theorists who think that the moon landings were a hoax.

Not sure why you would want to read the opinion of an astronaut over scientific publications by scientists across a broad scale of disciplines. Opinions are bit like ar5eholes ... everyone has one.

Edit: Two thumbs down already ... so obviously people are more interested in opinions that the science (not surprising on this board).

Presumably because he thinks it is true.



obviously a large portion of his stock portfolio is in oil and coal stocks . duh .