> Why do anti-science deniers of anthropogenic climate change expect "rejoicing in the "plateau"?

Why do anti-science deniers of anthropogenic climate change expect "rejoicing in the "plateau"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They expect it because they are idiots and liars who have never committed a second of time to using their brains for thinking, but have committed countless hours to the mindless parroting of political talking points.

Anyone who thinks that record high temperatures year after year for almost two decades is evidence against AGW should be declared "Legally Stupid" and required to take classes in science and math until they can pass a GED Science Test.

Part of why they expect it is that they don't really understand what is being said re: AGW. They think that scientists expect CO2 and average global temperatures to increase in lock-step, so they think that a plateau means that global warming has stopped. They refuse to understand that scientists actually expect warming to kind of occur in pauses and leaps, instead of continuously.

Well, if the expectation among airport security was for regular attacks on towers in New York, then I would expect them to rejoice when it stopped happening, yes.

The original was filled with so much bias and ignorance, I really didn't think it was worth answering. Any answer would have been wrong

Its not anti science , you never had science on your side in the first place . BS should stay at home .

The phrasing of your question shows that you are either; paid to stir up crap, have psychopathic tendencies, or are simply a moron.

Are airport security officials "rejoicing" that no large towers have been knocked down in New York, by hijacked planes, since 2001?

I can't answer the prior question directly because the anti-science deniers don't like being exposed for what they are, and block me. Thus this "question" instead.