> Where in the world would be the safest place to live now that global warming is starting to wreck havoc?

Where in the world would be the safest place to live now that global warming is starting to wreck havoc?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Tasmania? Canada? Tierra del fuago? Or do you know a spot that is even better?

Antarctica. It is the coldest, windiest, and highest continent anywhere on earth. Don't have to worry about being warm there if that's what your after.

I'd suggest a farming region in southern Canada, the northern US, or mid to northern Europe. Stay at least a few miles from any coasts (to avoid salt-poisoned water tables, hurricanes, and the like), and I'd suggest an area with good reserves of water, that *don't* come from a glacier. That would probably be the safest set of conditions if things to seriously pear-shaped with AGW. You have food, water, an adequately cool climate, and likely enough military resources to fend off less fortunate climate refugees should it become an issue.

Now, I don't anticipate AGW being bad enough in your lifetime that these things would be *required*, but you're asking about the safest place, not merely a place that is adequately safe.

I'm not sure where it is save to live.

But I can tell you one thing, Global Warming is natural.

Between the Ice Ages, the temperature goes up, and after that it goed down again.

The only problem is that we are making Global Warming go faster with our cars etc.

I don't think you should search a safe place to live already, but maybe in a couple of 100 years.

canada would be the safest place to live if global warming iscausing havoc.

the International Space Station.

With the sea level rising at an alarming upwards adjusted rate of 0.114 inches a year I think you're best bet would be on top of Mt. Everest. You should move there ASAP.

Imagination land that where the global warming myth lives.

Tasmania? Canada? Tierra del fuago? Or do you know a spot that is even better?