> What effect can a large volcanic eruption have on the average world temperature?

What effect can a large volcanic eruption have on the average world temperature?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
please i would need some help

thank you

It depends on the composition of what comes from the volcano, as well as the size of the volcano. Many volcanoes, but not all, release large quantities of sulfur dioxide when they explode.

A volcano can not cause an ice age. The cooling effects of a large volcanic eruption only last a few years. A truly enormous volcano will cause slight warming after the aerosols clear, because of the carbon dioxide. Even this warming will not cause a large change in sea level or the extinction of polar bears. Normal volcanic activity only releases about 1% of what humans release by burning fossil fuels and a truly enormous volcanic eruption will only release carbon dioxide equivalent to what humans release in a fee years.

A large, explosive volcanic eruption will throw large amounts of ash into the stratosphere, and that keeps a fraction of the sun's energy from reaching the surface. After Krakatoa in 1889 (?), world average temperatures dropped about 5 degrees for a few years. The ash is above thunderstorm activity so it takes it a long time to settle out.


A large Krakotoa event would cause a slight cooling trend for about 1-2 years.

A large super volcano eruption would cause a mild cooling trend for a few decades.

The danger isnt only the cooling but the reduced sunlight plants need to cause photosynthesis.

If by large you mean the eruption of one of the super volcanoes (Yellow Stone National Park, or Toba in Indonesia) the effects could be devastating. The eruptions of these Volcanoes could potentially cause an Ice age. It wouldn't effect the entire world, but a large sum.

the pinatubo eruption in the Philippines in 1991 lowered overall world temps by 1/2 degree for two years. this seems small. it is actually huge, compared to the amount of atmosphere the earth has. an eruption that lowered temps by 5 degrees would be a game changer. happened in 1814/15. major climate changes, and not for the good. a late 18th century eruption in iceland causes famines in iceland that killed 10,000 people.

please i would need some help

thank you