> How do the views of Billy differ from those of JimZ & other anti-science top answerers in this category?

How do the views of Billy differ from those of JimZ & other anti-science top answerers in this category?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Billy postulates that the teaching of physics throughout the world has become controlled by a secret conspiracy of capitalists.

JimZ postulates that the teaching of physics throughout the world has become controlled by a transparent conspiracy of Marxists.

They are agreed that physics cannot be trusted because all of the world's great scientists are now under the control of the conspiracy. They disagree on the economic goals of those who initiated the conspiracy.

JimZ: So let me get this straight. You claim to know a whole lot more about other members of this forum on both biotic and abiotic oil formation. You then bring up your repeated political rants about marxism and so on.

You also know very little about atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry. Yet you seem to feel free to show your repeated ignorance in the global warming topic. Something you know little about. Your main argument, if we take out the political insults, is that the climate has changed before, as evidenced by geological and geographical features, and therefor we do not know that those same things are not changing the climate again. You write off everything that gives us an understanding of what is causing the current climate change and merely state that 'we' do not understand enough about the world to make such a deduction. You're a hypocrite. Especially considering there are people who post in here who are scientists and are climatologists who know a whole lot more than you about atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry.

JimZ: You are so far off your rocker you don't know heads from tails. you prove my point. You are a hypocrite. You are knowledgeable in geology, as I have stated numerous times before, but when it comes to atmospheric physics or atmospheric chemistry you instead post insults, claim that people are stupid, claim that no one knows more than you do and state it's all some huge conspiracy. You've done it once again. And you bring up your political rants once again. Have you even paid any attention to any of my posts and links? Do you see me routinely postings links to university textbooks and peer reviewed scientific literature? If you don't you are blind. Once again you post nothing substantial except for your usual rants. And you are trying to change the topic of my post as me stating that you do not know as much as the originators of the abiotic/biotic theories do. Where did I ever state anything like that? I am talking about your lack of knowledge on atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry and your claim that you know more than others do that study that sort of thing.

Billy is the space cadette of the bunch. Mister Zedd and most of the other denialists are mainly interested in making snarky remarks. Mister Zedd seems to think that he is smarter than he actually is, but usually, if I do give him a TD, it is because of a snide remark he makes.

And there is Sagebrush, who made up a claim that Obama paid the UN $100 billion. He gave no source and no evidence. He just made that up. At least Billy has a source; science fiction writer, er I mean, investigative reporter, David Icke.

On the other hand, Korean Gangnan rapper Psy Gua actually picks a lot of realists for BA. Not always, but often.

When it comes down to the science there is very little difference between them. Apparently what they are incapable of understanding they just cast to the side. Science is an obstacle that they must navigate around. They seem to have the viewpoint that science is to be circumvented and that science should never be discussed. Psuedo-science, on the other hand, they know quite well and will discuss it in great detail.

Scientifically, they are equal. However, Billy is more creative and entertaining. He can also be extremely literate. I suspect that Billy is smarter than your average bear. Jim z is a technician in an applied scientific field. That does not make him a scientist. In any case, whatever scientific understanding he does possess has been compromised by his debilitating political tunnel vision.

I am not an abiotic geologist. I am a geologist who studied petroleum geology when I went to school. I am familiar with the theory of petroleum formation from biotic and abiotic theories and I understand the difference between theory and fact. Just for the record, the so called abiotic theory is more than one theory and some involved biologic mechanisms. I am sure it well beyond your comprehension. I am sure you believe that you have no problems with drops of petroleum migrating up to miles from "source" areas to be deposited in stratigraphic traps. As someone who deals with petroleum migration on a near daily basis, I can call BS on that. I know far more about the migration of petroleum than those who made originated that theory. Science moves on and knowledge and technology increases but sometimes old theories die hard. I am not convinced that abiotic methane feeds a deep hot biosphere but there is certainly evidence that it is true. I am also quite certain that you are clueless about the evidence. I am also quite certain that you can't explain to us how petroleum is formed in shales with the traditional theory beyond the childish explanation that it is reworked dinosaur remains so there is no way for you to make a judgement on which theory is most likely true.

Bacheous is just another dinosaur leftist who believes in Marxism but isn't even smart enough to know what Marxism is. It is obvious to me he doesn't know the basics about history or science. He knows what he reads on leftist blogs. I shouldn't argue with people that are so beneath me in education but sometimes I just want to be sure they know how much contempt I have for their thinking or lack of it. I like to set the record straight even if I have to step on the toes of a few leftists who think their politics have risen to the level of fact and science. It hasn't. It hasn't even risen to the level of the gutter.

No Jeff, I know more about the migration of petroleum than those who developed the theory because we have learned a great deal more in a hundred years. Is English also one of your problem subjects? If you are asking me if I know more about the theories of petroleum formation than Dook or Bacheous, that is a pretty stupid question. Of course I do. Every time you post, it is a political rant from some leftist blog but you are too brain washed to know it and you obviously don't understand what is politics and what is science. You call me a hypocrite jackass. I just don't bow down to others like you do. I actually make up my own mind through a background in science. What is your background anyway? Maybe nursing? Canadian literature of the 17th century? Dance?

Jim Z is number 5 on the list of "Top Answerers in Global Warming: that shows up on the righthand side of the page when you look up the global warming category. His 1126 "best answers" are "private," so that his expertise as an abiotic oil "geologist" cannot be revealed in its full brilliance.

Billy shows his posts. This is one of my favorites:
