> My dad is gonna pollute earth more! Help?

My dad is gonna pollute earth more! Help?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You can't. He is resistant to new learning. You can see from his response that he is angered at having to learn something new. Even if he just didn't care or didn't understand, his rational response would be to do nothing rather than to lash out in anger. Surveys have shown that people who deny climate change don't believe anybody -- not climatologists, not other scientists, not their own family doctors. Their ego blocks their willingness to learn from other people. That's your dad.

He may be a loving father, and he is a least helping to provide you a home. But you have to accept that he is rather stupid. You will have to study hard and learn from your teachers (or perhaps your mother), but you have to accept that your father is stupid and angered. He will not help you get smart enough to get into college so you will have to work independently grow up with better thinking skills than he has. Your dad is not the only guy like that, and every father has flaws. Just accept and love him for who he is and study hard.

This is pathetic. One man wont make a percentage of difference.

Edit: However, unlike the other two morons, I am aware that climate change is real.

Hahahahaha that's awesome!!! Your dad seems pretty cool and I think you need to calm down. Global warming isn't real. You're just one of them suckers that believe it haha

don't worry eventually alrmunists will seek to fine and or imprison him. You can be the first to turn on your own family and turn him in! Ain't that GREAT?!?!?!?

Oh, you just reminded me that I have to warm up my car before I go to work. Thanks.

Global warming supposedly caused by humans.....IS A HOAX. I like your Dad. I am going to keep my three cars running and the lawnmower, and pool pump, and every light in the house too.

You won't convince him, although you might point out how much it will cost him. Just be happy that you got your intelligence from your mother's side of the family.

My dad doesn't believe in global warming. Nearly everyday he leaves his car running to let all the smoke into the air to pollute it, and he said his gonna turn on every light in the house on earth hour just to "show off" help? How do I tell him global warming is real!!