> Where do your climate modelers get this 2-11F degrees stuff?

Where do your climate modelers get this 2-11F degrees stuff?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Since models are basically garbage in and garbage out, (except swimsuit models which are typically a couple of grapes in) you get what you want (again except for the swimsuit models). Since it wouldn't be scary to say it might increase 1.4 deg F, they bumped that up to 2 and since only a complete imbecile would believe it might increase more than 11 deg F, that is where the models put the upper limit. For someone who has only studied swimsuit models, that is my best guess, but I guess it is pretty close to being true.

Have you noticed how AGW has so much different opinions? everywhere we look at AGW people are expressing different views, right here in this forum. Realize this......85% of the world has no set sound opinion or what and how AGW works. These people want to know, sort of, most are in Miley Cyrus land, but when they look into it they are bombarded by all sorts of different opinions and condemnation for their "ignorance". Why is that? here is why......those 85% are confused on what to believe. The information is all over the place. Confusion is a form of fear, the unknowing is fear, when we are in fear we turn to one another for help and protection to help suppress our fear. A fearful mind is the easiest to control. We have been brainwashed since birth to turn to authority for answers and for knowledge when we do not know. Our fearful mind ,subconsciously, is that way "is AGW going to kill me, what do we do" this is the state of mind of the 85% who are confused about AGW. These people are then going to obey whatever their authority tells them because all they want is a cure for this subconscious fear. This is the ultimate weapon, the silent weapon, the weapon of mind controlling the masses. Don't believe me? well all I can say is do this experiment. Watch a gruesome scary movie in the dark that you have never seen before, all alone......but turn it off after about an hour without closer and seeing how it ends. These movies end and give you closure, so avoid that......then pay attention to how your mind is acting while all the lights are off and in the dark.

The rabbit hole goes very deep

As Plato said

"Wisdom is knowing how little we know".

Thank you

Follow the money, power, control, sex, drugs and getting published in "peer reviewed" journals.

When science sells out to politics we are right back to when The Church punished people for claiming the earth revolves around the sun and is not the center of the universe.

Doubling of CO2 levels is about 1.2C. They use models that assume positive feedback to get higher numbers. It is possible that the 1.4F you speak of will be the amount of warming to be expected, not too different from the 2F on the low end of their range, at which point they will declare they were right all along!


1.4F AFTER adjustments that only seem to go one way.

If anything they have shown how stable temperatures are.

If I had to bet (and it were possible to measure it), I would bet that over a 130 year period the temperature would be two degrees different in one direction or the other just from variability noise. Getting excited over this is just silly.

Ever heard of an exponential equation or relationship? That's where they get it from.

1.4F is not scary enough, so they have to throw in so called positive feedbacks, which obviously are not working.

They are models and have been a problem since their inception, yet alarmist scientists use them as a tool to promote their scientific arrogance.

The past 130 years has seen a rise of 1.4 F in global temperature averages. Never mind the Little Ice Age...

From what orifice do modelers pull the claim of a 2-11F increase over the next one hundred years? And you wonder why your AGW suffers from credibility problems...

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming Your own propaganda.