> Where can I find research/info on the melting polar caps and their effect on different parts of the world?

Where can I find research/info on the melting polar caps and their effect on different parts of the world?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Sea level is raising at a rate of 1 foot per century. http://ibis.grdl.noaa.gov/SAT/SeaLevelRi...

Data sets graphed interactively. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/esrl-co...

Ice increases Albedo, and cools Earth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albedo

Map of global warming since 1979 based on linear regressions. http://www.ssmi.com/data/msu/graphics/tl...

Mapping Tool for generating other maps. http://www.ssmi.com/msu/msu_data_monthly...

Interpreting ice core data requires knowing the limitations of it. http://www.igsoc.org/annals.old/10/igs_a...

Atmospheric CO2 measurement record going back past 1960. http://www.biomind.de/realCO2/

Ocean Currents theoretically affect the melting and freezing of sea ice. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arctic_osci...

What happens when the ice expands? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_age

Good luck on finding that, the caps are NOT melting.

The northern ice extent is just barely below NORMAL (look at the RED line for 2013): http://arctic-roos.org/observations/sate...

And the Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is setting record HIGHS: http://sunshinehours.wordpress.com/2013/...

Nor are sea levels rising any faster than normal:

Peer-Reviewed Study: No unusual Sea Level rise for Bangladesh


There is also no unusual Sea Level rise for the Maldives


Study shows sea level rise of less than 7 inches per century with no acceleration



Watch the movie To the Ice it is a great documentary on polar bears on how they adapt to the crazy weather/climate change. It's in redbox:)

It's not a website. sorry:(

A ship went to see all that melting ice and needed to be rescued by an icecutter ship because they were trapped in Ice. I'm glad you believe in fairy tales as childhood should never end. And yes, I know that every scientist in the Universe believes in Global Warming so they can get their grants. The ones who don't need to scrub for the money are undecided.

Go to "wattsupwiththat" click on reference pages click on sea ice page. lots of info there.

I need to know what the rising sea levels would do to the ecology of say, India, Middle East, Europe, Africa and what the results might look like (photos, graphic art & graphic art concepts). I have no idea where to research this information. Thanks so much in advance!