> What jobs are there to do with global warming?

What jobs are there to do with global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Data corruption specialist.

PR agencies.

Dishonest Politician.

Communist advocacy: James Hansen, a top Climate Scientist, is now a full time Communist activist.

Y!A censor.

Occupy Wall Street.

If you have no morals there is a whole plethora of occupations.

All the economies of the peoples of the world are dependent upon the environments and climates that we are left to work with. As the climate changes so will the jobs that are available and how they will apply to all of us.

For most of us this will mean life style changes, demanding less of the resources and applying to our work and lives sustainability. So if you are looking for jobs of the future you will be looking for jobs that are sustainable.

that's a pretty fuzzy question. Do you count rebuilding coastal cities dues to more storms and rising sea levels as part of the 'jobs'?

you could also count the number of jobs in renewable energy as part of that.

finally, if you mean science, keep going to school, university and many years of post-doc work.

Recycling truck driver. Solar panel installation. Climate monitoring. Excel spreadsheet wizard. Climate modeler.

Printing up Carbon credits and sell them .