> Is Earths climate self regulating?

Is Earths climate self regulating?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
and independent of CO2


Yes it is. And as the article states it's mainly because of the oceans acting as a thermostat.

The oceans act as an enormous buffer that cools by increased evaporation when it's too hot and provides heat when it's too cold.

Of course something unusual happened during the Ice Age, what caused it is the subject of much debate.


If it were self regulating, this would never have happened.


The reason why Earth has neither turned into Mars or Venus during the last 4.5 billion years is not because of an Earth bound DCS, but because the output of the Sun has been very stable.

Refrigerators have compressors. At the higher pressure the gas condenses at a temperature above room temperature and at the lower pressure, the fluid boils at a very low temperature.



Self regulating implies that there is a system that keeps the Earth at a particular temperature, there is no such system, Earth has had many different climates in it's long history for the first 3/4 of it's life it had a pretty much alien atmosphere that would have killed all but the simplest and toughest of microbes. It has been much colder and much warmer. We have had a period of higher oxygen when insects grew to sizes that would scare even a large modern animal, dragon flies with 2 foot wing spans, 8 foot long sea scorpions or Arthropleura - an 8 foot long centipede.

As for your link it's a denier one, clearly you can't find a real science link that makes the claims "hockeyschtick" for the simple reason that Earth real history is littered with climate variations linked to things like volcanic eruptions that first cool and then warm the planet as well as impacts from space that also play havoc with the climate.

While other forces also play a part, like position of continents and currents and long term changes in solar output, CO2 and warming are strongly linked through out the climate of the half a billion years. Periods like the PETM, numerous other periods when CO2 has dropped and the planet has cooled or risen and the planet has warmed.

Your new mime seems to be to try and claim you are not a denier yet you keep posting this sort of nonsense.

CO2 is a powerful greenhouse gas, there is no doubt about that, at all !!!

John W: The denier here and on many of their blogs is we are headed for a new ice age, which they seem to think will happen in the next couple of years, any serious look at the icecore record shows the usual return time to a glacial period is tens of thousands of years it takes several times longer to return to one than to come out of one. You can actual see that in the very graphs denier post of the vostok ice core record.

The amount temperature has already risen would offset a sudden event like the maunder minimum as we have already rased the temp as much as that lowered it.

The main myth deniers are running at the moment is we are cooling and have been since 1998, a rather funny claim given 1998 is a standout warm year boosted by the strongest El Nino of the last hundred years and that even without the aid of such an El Nino 2005 & 2010 where warmer. The entire decade of the 2000's is now also the warmest decade in the modern record, that is a funny form of 'cooling since 98'

factor out the strength of the 98' El Nino and many years since, where in fact warmer, years like 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 or 2013.

No the Earth's climate is not self regulating. That is ridiculous.

that is just another denier BS blog. There has been a lot of controversy about the hockey stick graph. Shortly after the controversy began, a number of scientists, using different data came up with the same results and the same basic graph almost identical to Manns He was not wrong and once again the deniers here and all the professional guru deniers can't disprove AGW

"Self-regulating" is pretty meaningless in this context. We have had major glaciations in the past, so we can clearly have pretty wide swings in temperature.

It's clearly NOT independent of CO2, Without CO2 the planet would be covered in ice. The idea that there is no greenhouse effect is wrong and can be disproved with lower-division physics.

This guy that wrote this sounds like a genuine crackpot--he strings half-truths together without really thinking about their consequences. When he says things like " If the surface warms, this...increases clouds: he is simplifying the problem so much that whole climate regimes disappear. Does he actually believe that the massive stratocumulus decks that cover so much of the Earth's surface will increase with a warming surface? I don't think so, and neither do studies such as the one by Clement et al "Observational and Model Evidence for Positive Low-Level Cloud Feedback".

I guess you really enjoy reading nonsense Kano. Too bad you refuse to open a textbook.

EDIT: I think a quote from John Maynard Keynes is appropriate here, he was applying it to economics, but I think it would work equally well with your "self-regulating climate"

Yes, we'll agree that in the long run climate is self-regulating.

To which Keynes said

"In the long run we are all dead."

Another EDIT: Are you claiming that Earth is "self-regulating" within +/- 6 C? Because if you're claiming something like that, then perhaps you can get all sorts of people to agree with you...but so what? Suppose the self-regulator of the Earth brings the temperature back down in a few thousand years, did that eliminate all the suffering and costs of the next hundred?

To three different stable points according to the geologic record. The ice age which we're in now is the least stable, the warm Earth where no year round land ice exists and the most stable being snowball Earth where even the oceans are covered with ice. The issue now is whether or not we're transferring out of the ice age and into a warm Earth stage and what that would mean to us.

The planet tends to regulate itself as when one thing about the environment gets off balance the earth adjusts by changes in the way things work, like the oceans and plant life. It's the only way the earth can contend with things like massive volcanic activity and sunspot activity etc.

You continuously linking to blog posts written by unknown authors with (and usually without) unknown scientific qualifications is not much different from Billy, the reptoid fearing wanderer posting 'questions' with links to a wide variety of pseudo-scientific conspiracy sites.

So when are you finally going to get started with some Real Science, Kano? What's holding you back, your Opinion perhaps?

The fact that it has lasted 4.5 billion years without becoming another Venus ought to be significant.

My favourite graph is by Scotese and Berner. Look how the blue temperature line swings between 10°C and 25°C. If that is accurate then something strange is going on. I do wonder if it is accurate, though.

All non solids that rise to the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness so the suns rays can warm earth as it rotates to grow plants that give food and oxygen so all species can survive. Mike

and independent of CO2
