> What is a catchphrase for a smoke/Global Warming Monster?

What is a catchphrase for a smoke/Global Warming Monster?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
dont be an ass lower your greenhouse gas

If your teacher's OLD, then, from The Life of Riley, back in the '50s, "What a Revoltin Development This Is."

"Don't be the frog" (as in, if you put a frog in a pot of water and turn the gas on, the frog will cook and not jump out). - I actually rather like this one. It describes the global warming deniers pretty well. There are, in fact, several directions one could go with this.

Just plain "D'oh"

The thrill of victory and the agony of the heat

"This wold will self-destruct in five decades."

"De planet, de planet" ― Tattoo, Fantasy Island

"No soup for you!"

"Holy crap!" ― Frank, Everybody Loves Raymond

"Is that your final answer?" ― Regis Philbin, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

"You're fired!" ― Donald Trump, The Apprentice

"We've got a situation." ― Mike "the Situation" Sorrentino, Jersey Shore

Some of these were from here or paraphrased


Believe or be re-educated! We're watching you!

"Be Nice: Go for Gore's Folly"

That would enable people to acknowledge that it's bull crap, but yet still be a "nice guy" and go along.

How about "If you don't lower your carbon footprint, I will kill you Jacob."