> What has science learned since 1988 re the sun's role in 20th and 21st century global climate change?

What has science learned since 1988 re the sun's role in 20th and 21st century global climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Let us open this up to everyone. I don't block.

Sagebrush: The proof -

The Sun emits radiation in specific frequencies. Look up the Suns blackbody radiation curve to see what frequencies it emits at. Next we look up the Earth blackbody radiation curve and see the differences. this is primarily due to differences in temperature.


Now we look at how the Earths blackbody radiation curve is affected by it's atmosphere.


As you can see there is a 'greenhouse effect' due to specific gases and vibrations that retain certain frequencies of radiation. how do they do this? through absorption and emission.


If the Sun was the cause of the warming the increases in temperature would be due to an increase in shortwave radiation as well as longwave radiation throughout the entire spectrum of Earth emissions curve. If the warming is due to the oceans thermal inertia or some oscillatory cycle or something else we would expect to see outbound radiation fairly equal across the entire Earth spectrum as well. We see neither of these. What we do see is greater retention of energy at specific greenhouse gas frequencies, mainly CO2 with a water vapour feedback. To see this we look at frequencies of the atmosphere that water vapour doe snot absorb at. That is known as the atmospheric window. CO2 margin absorbs in this frequency as do a couple of other gases.



Will you actually look at what I state closely? Of course not. Because your mind is already made up just as your belief in a God is. Just as your belief in evolution not existing. Yet, for some reason, you continuously post in here that you are a 'real scientist' because you state what you perceive to be the truth based on your personal religious views.

Well basically that the Sun has had very little effect on global climate change Deniers bring this up frequently but is just hot air.

Climate Science learned to GROW UP.

I thought Brian Tinsley's was a good read http://www.utdallas.edu/physics/pdf/Tin_...

There is Svensmark’s cosmic ray theory.


However, cosmic rays do not explain current warming. If cosmic rays do have a significant effect on global temperatures, they would have a cooling effect since 1970.

http://www.skepticalscience.com/cosmic-r... (Razzberry sound effects)

Let us open this up to everyone. I don't block.