> What has Hank Paulson been smoking? Does he really think he can sell the Global Warming snake oil?

What has Hank Paulson been smoking? Does he really think he can sell the Global Warming snake oil?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Peggy shows his real bonifides as a real sheep leftist with that remark. To many lefties, Bush is an extreme conservative. In fact, it was his lack of conservatism that led to the crisis that the idiotic comment from Pegminer suggests we were saved from. Bush put in Paulson after San Fran Nan was in Speaker to get along. That is all Bush ever wanted to do was get along with the San Fran Nan types and we are all paying for it. Bush made himself an easy scapegoat

"The solution can be a fundamentally conservative one that will empower the marketplace to find the most efficient response. We can do this by putting a price on emissions of carbon dioxide — a carbon tax." What is it with statists that makes them want to use the word conservative. They suggest leftist things but want people to believe they are Ronald Reagan, who was the greatest president since Washington IMO. I had to throw that in to counter Baccheus' weird lies that he said I think Reagan was a Marxist. Far from it.

Paul does have science, data, physics and math on his side. The deniers have the right wing radio dummies and 'Weasel News' on their side. Paul also has the studies made by insurance companies, corporate farmers, ocean shippers and coastal real estate companies on his side as well. Not to mention the US Navy and all of the world's military organizations who operate above 55 degrees North Latitude. I seriously doubt if the world's oil companies would be planning to drill in the artic if their scientists had data that told them that the failing ice fields of the Artic were just a temporary thing, not when drilling plans have to be made for decades in advance.

Paulson is a banker, his career was in finance, economics and politics. He is not a climate scientists and as far as I can tell he has no scientific credentials and no relevant experience. Anything he has to say about the climate is, at best, going to be second hand. His comments are not subject to scrutiny, they don’t have to pass any review or referee process; he can pretty much say what he wants. As such he is an unreliable source of information and whatever he says should be verified before being accepted.

“Of course there are a bunch of mental lightweights on this site who will gobble up any token of crap anyone one the green side has to offer, no mater how ludicrous.” Just like the lightweights who gobble up anything Goddard, Limbaugh, Hannity, Monckton etc has to say. These people have the same scientific credentials as Paulson – none. You appear more than willing to accept what they have to say, so where does that put you in the context of mental lightweights?

Paulson showed his true colors as a pinko commie liberal socialist when he, Geithner and Bernanke saved the country from total economic collapse, a true conservative would never have done such a thing.

And the denialist ad homs continue. Because that is all that liars like Sagebrush have.

Paulson is yet another sinister far-leftist from the Greenie-Marxist administration of George Warmist Bush. Hide under your bed now, lest he use Al Gore's time-machine-carbon-tax death ray to zap you into Stalinst slavery, while hiding the decline. And be very, Very alarmed about Alarmists, and don't let them trick you with their evil pro-literacy conspiracy or sinister 2+2=4 nonsense:

The Bush Administration was "the green side"?

Who are you counting on the non-green side? Is there anybody?

I am curious what about the legacy of GW Bush makes you think of him as an environmentalist?

Just an elitist looking for his 15 minutes of fame. Thinks he only got 5 last time.

Just another arrogant person who thinks his opinion matters. Not unlike all of the hollywood stars that are seemingly too ignorant not to drug themselves to death, while making a pretext of morality that we should aspire to. That being said people lacking credibility have been used by both sides.

Just toeing the government line, perhaps he is looking for a job in politics.


Of course there are a bunch of mental lightweights on this site who will gobble up any token of crap anyone one the green side has to offer, no mater how ludicrous.

He wants to cash in

Everyone ELSE is Buying it. So WHY shouldn't HE get In on the "Action" ?! ;)