> What effects/problems could cutting down trees have worldwide?

What effects/problems could cutting down trees have worldwide?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
************TAKE NOTE************ I mean cutting them down in the Amazon Rainforest mainly :D

It is responsible for about 25% of the increase of atmospheric CO2.

Cutting down tress in Amazon rainforest has not only caused deforestation but as well as production of massive CO2 gases.Amazon forest is rich in greenary n has been worldwide famous for its rich forest..

You mean in the Amazon JUNGLE. Rainforest is a PR campaign to bend your mind. Cleaning out jungles is a good thing.

Extinction of animals.

I just my logging permit for Antartica. Seems like a good ideal from the Alarmist, extremist, envolunas, whacks stand point.

We and the World go **** up mainly

************TAKE NOTE************ I mean cutting them down in the Amazon Rainforest mainly :D