> Do melting glaciers cause flooding?

Do melting glaciers cause flooding?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It depends on how much they melt. They certainly could cause flooding. Generally they melt in a consistent way and some years the run off might be more than others so it would probably usually have to be a really warm year to reach "flood stage".

Glaciers melt very slowly and the melt water often provides fresh water to people near the glacier. However seasonal melting of snow packs will sometimes cause flooding.


Glaciers melt.Water level increases and it causes flooding?

Only as much as growing/freezing glaciers cause drought.

Yes they do. Where do you think the water goes?

The water has to go somewhere

So my teachers have told me they don't, that they only affect random stuff with the soil and habitat..... So do melting glaciers cause flooding? I don't think so. What do you think.