> What can you do for reducing carbondioxide emission for slowing atmospheric warming during this century?

What can you do for reducing carbondioxide emission for slowing atmospheric warming during this century?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well I can't do anything, as it will go up no matter what I do. Perhaps China could do so, as it is responsible for a quarter of emissions while the 40% represented by Europe, USA, Russia, Japan, Australia, Canada, and South Korea could level off or drop, the other 60% is on pace to more than increase emissions by more than the developed countries might drop emissions. So that 40% number is only going to get smaller.

On an individual lifestyle level, the single most influential action you can perform is to be vegetarian. I'm not a vegetarian converter and I don't work for peta or anything like that. While studying environmental science in college, every single one of my professors agreed on this (and they didn't agree on much of anything, usually). The meat industry consumes more water, and produces more harmful gasses than another other industry in the world. This industry is also a big producer of methane, a gas 21 times more powerful than carbon. When people talk about reducing carbon or carbon footprints, they are usually really talking about a combination of carbon and methane.

But, vegetarianism is not for everyone. Actions like taking public transportation and not buying disposable water bottles have great influences, too. Even when just one person does it.

It's best to focus on what can I do to: burn less fuels, use less electricity, and waste less water. Those three areas have the greatest influence on global climate change.

I have already changed my car to a more fuel efficient one (56mpg on a run) and changed all the light bulbs in the commonly used rooms to low energy.

I have also not switched on the central heating for a couple of years.

However, I once calculated that if the UK shut down completely it would prolong the life of the earth by about 8 months. So, if my calculations are correct, if I halve my energy usage I will extend the life of the planet by about 0.17 seconds. Well worth it!

Don't let Obama take any CO2 creating useless vacations.

Graphic: Then Al Gore hops in his private jet and undoes what you have done 10,000 times over.

Why should it be left up to us to reduce CO2. Shouldn't the government take the lead. After all they are called 'leaders'.

Maybe, it's about time to re-invent the use of CENTRALIZED AIRCON. Because if it will be invented again, only one aircon will produce carbon dioxide per building. Also, there is a need to plant more trees coz trees inhale the carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.

Turn off air conditioners. Limit heating to survival necessity. Walk or bike for transportation. Eliminate electricity. Get a shovel, because you will need it. Oh, yes: plant trees, that is if you have time between planting and harvesting your own food for survival.