> What are some things i can dipute about climate change?

What are some things i can dipute about climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There are legitimate questions left about exact details. Exactly how much warming will occur from a given quantity of atmospheric CO2, considering all feedbacks. Exactly what changes in weather, water supplies, and so forth will occur. What methods will work best to get people to cut their CO2 emissions. Details like that.

What is not really up for dispute at this point is that 1. it has been warming (more like .85C than the .61C that Zippi has been quoting), 2. the warming has primarily been caused by human greenhouse gas emissions, and 3. the warming has changed and is likely to further change weather patterns and the like.

Clearly in dispute:

1. Accuracy and usefulness of climate models to predict future climate and inform policy.

2. Climate sensitivity to a doubling of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere being 3C (median).

Current warming is 0.61C above the established Global average temperature.

Ask an alarmist if they notice a 0.61C temperature change in their living room and if their plants wilt because it warms that much?

Maybe ask them what the new record high temperature is in Death Valley?

Death Valley's Furnace Creek holds the record for the highest reliably reported air temperature in the world, 134 °F (56.7 °C) on July 10, 1913.


There's plenty to dispute. Scientific research is one ongoing dispute. You will have noticed that different cynics, sorry 'sceptics', dispute completely different things -different from each other and different from scientists.

You can dispute whatever you like. The climate (people used to say 'the weather') will make its own mind up.

Just about everything.


The Great Global Warming Swindle

That the climate is even changing in any significant way.

Everything you see on Faux News and denialist blogs.