> What are 6 examples of environmental change? And potential effect(s) of that change on us for each example.?

What are 6 examples of environmental change? And potential effect(s) of that change on us for each example.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Getting someone else to do your homework how kool.

Linlyons has the best answer. "It could get warmer, colder, wetter, drier, subject to more diseases"

Note the COULD and the contradictions. This is the certainty of the climate "scientists".

Let me summarize what they are saying. They are saying that their "science" is so new and so devoid of the scientific method that they have no idea what is going to occur and so just like any psychic or palm reader, they are going to guess any and everything.

How can you possibly be wrong if you say warmer or colder, wetter or drier??? We know very well that the climate changes and has done so for the past 4.5 billion years. So the ONLY way they could possibly be wrong is if the climate all of the sudden stopped changing. Of course, even this would be so odd that they could once again claim they were right.

REAL science is about risks. You come up with a theory that is fully falsifiable. You say something like "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed". All that anyone needs to do to show you are wrong is to either create or destroy energy. You DO NOT make unmeasurable claims or claims so non-specific that they may apply to any outcome. That is NOT science.

The Dakotas were once covered in glaciers. Apparently the temperature of the Earth warmed before Al Gore and SUVs. South And North Dakota are covered with Rich farming land.

What is now Chicago was once covered, according to some estimates, with a mile of Ice. Chicago is now an industrial center.

Salt Lake City used to be ocean front property. It is now just a place where minority cops can shoot white people and there are no riots.

Florida used to be ocean bottom. It is now one of the most prolific cattle raising states and a place for retirement.

California used to be the bread basket of the world. Environmentalists dried that up. Many people now go hungry and food prices have recently skyrocketed.

Minnesota used to be covered by a glacier. Now it is the land of lakes and the start of the Mississippi River.

Human caused Environmental Change: 1. Greenhouse Effect(Greenhouse Gas traps too much radiation in the atmosphere, causing the Earth to overheat) caused by burning Fossil Fuels- causes, melting ice sheets, thawing of tundra, flooding and rising sea levels, extreme climate patterns and damage to wildlife. 2. Agricultural run off-Nitrate containing fertilizers runoff into the gulf of Mexico causing a lifeless area known as the Dead Zone, that is the size of Connecticut. There is virtually NO oxygen in the water to support life. 3. Species extinction, both plant and animal due to mismanagement of natural habitat and over hunting by humans. It is not an isolated event, when one species goes a web of other organisms suffer or become extinct as well. The rapid loss of species we are seeing today is estimated by experts to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate.* 4. Ocean Acidification, caused by Co2 being absorbed into the ocean water. The UN’s World Meteorological Organization, reports that the levels are unprecedented over the last 300 million years and linked directly with Co2 emissions. Acid in waters prevents species developing calcium shells. 5. Drought, is not just a California problem. Drought also causes wildfires which kill animals and destroy property. Drought will become a forerunner in current events as agricultural centers fight over already burdened water rights, no water = no food. 6. Economy, Uncertainty over event drives prices up, gas prices, food prices, healthcare prices, housing prices to compensate for lack of security. This is where the poor are left to fall between the cracks and the rich to take all of the resources they can. Severe climate change would drive the economic classes further apart as the resources (food, clean water, land, electricity) will only be available to those who have money. There are many resources that can be used as research. I would steer clear of news outlets, they can be extremely skewed towards a political ideal. You don't want politics, you want facts and research.

It could get warmer, colder, wetter, drier, subject to more diseases (European diseases killed more native Americans than anything else), invaded by plant pests.

Raisin Caine, "Linlyons has the best answer. "It could get warmer, colder, wetter, drier, subject to more diseases" Why thank you. "Note the COULD and the contradictions." The question wasn't "what will happen", it asked for examples. And I did pass remedial reading.

"Evolution" has had millions of changes. All you have to do is look up "The Theory of Evolution" and the actual "evolutionary" changes that have been made through "scientological" research (I made up the word "scientological" (I digress. Scientology beat me to it , but it might still catch on in my context) :-)... or not :-(::::::::: ).

If humans are not natural to this planet or universe, then your question makes sense. All changes are natural and normal in my "humble" opinion. Science only complicates matters by investigating why things are the way they are. It all seems futile since Einstein first promoted his answer to "relativity" = infinity (which means - infinite intelligence rules the world and the universe - and the more that we question it, then the more complicated life will be for those who "try" to understand where life comes from or why things are the way they are!). Live "within chaos" or live with "goodness". It's always a human choice!

Do we have faith in humans (scientists looking for reasons for human existence and a meaning of where life came from)? ... or do we have faith that there is an "infinite intelligence"?