> What % of climate scientists and environmental journalist consider themselves an "absolute authority" of the E

What % of climate scientists and environmental journalist consider themselves an "absolute authority" of the E

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
James "For some reason they (AGW cultists) seem to think they know best which climate is best for earth. "

Actually, those of us who are concerned about the climate have never said that.

What we have said is that consistency is good.

Whatever climate caused us to establish cities and ports and farms, etc where we have them would be beneficial to continue so as not to disrupt populations around the world.

It's really interesting that AGW deniers are unable to understand that.

Maybe it has to do with their not understanding global warming in general.


Read the published studies. See how narrowly each writer confine their conclusions.

Every AGW cultist who considers himself/herself a scientist. For some reason they seem to think they know best which climate is best for earth.

Climate scientists -- zero.

Journalists -- more than a few!



The ones who claim that humans are NOT causing Earth to warm.

I don't think anyone is right all the time, but I think some people are wrong almost every time.

What percentage of science deniers cannot write in grammatically correct English?