> We might as well blame Global Warming on the plight of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Right?

We might as well blame Global Warming on the plight of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Right?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Yes we can blame ingrown toenails on it too. How about that record snow on the West Coast? Why there are all kinds of things we can blame on AGW. I heard from reliable sources that the tooth fairy is having trouble making his rounds due to AGW. Just ask Al Gore.

Now as far as the cause of AGW, I think that the Edmund Fitzgerald is not the cause. I heard that it didn't really sink. The Kock brothers bought it and it is now a tramp steamer around the Fiji islands with Elvis as its Captain. I think we should pour more billions of dollars in research before we get to the bottom of this. The Edmund would be too cheap a problem to find. We must find something to punish the yokels for being alive and let the ruling elite get off scott free.

No, but we might be able to blame the inability of Deniers to uunderstand the difference between weather (and bad luck) and climate on a serious learning disability.


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>>Alphie boy? What's this "probably" crap? Is it a 95% probability that it was due to those doors not being properly secured? ... or is it your own guess? <<

Ask the NTSB. It was their investigation that determined the cause.

>>I can play too idiots! So, was Hurricane Sandy a result of human induced climate change? <<

You're too late. The idiotic nature of Denier questions resulting from profound scientific illiteracy and willful ignorance has already been well documented.

I am amazed at all of the nonsense of those that are incapable of understanding science. They will use anything, except science, to try to invalidate the AGWT. They would need a scientific theory that would better explain the observations than does the AGWT in order to do this. There is the quagmire that the scientifically illiterate must traverse. How would they be able to use science when they have shown themselves to be incapable of understanding science? The answer is, they do not even try. So they must resort to using conspiracy theories, misdirections, quotes that are taken out of context and other misleading information while hoping that everyone else is also is incapable of understanding science. These scientific illiterate people will also make their exaggerated and extreme efforts to discredit climate scientists while accepting the rest of the science based fields. After all, when is the last time anyone saw people that cannot understand the science that the AGWT was built on to try to run into a brick wall at a high speed to test The Laws of Physics? Swam in a pool of water that has an acid slowly, but continuously added to the water to test The Laws of Chemistry? Climb inside a lit oven to test The Laws of Thermodynamics? These people want us to believe what they have to say as opposed to what the science tells us? Really????

Your question makes no sense. The plight of some character caused global warming? Get real.

Even if I interpret your question into some thing logical it still fails as there is no causal relationship.

in 1958, the ship sank probably due to improper latching of cargo doors.

we might as well blame your questions on stupidity.

Yes no sense and it has nothing to do with GW


If Hurricane Sandy can be blamed for human trauma, then let's go back farther. Right?