> There's this science fair experiment which demonstrates adding CO2 to a glass jar increase temperature?

There's this science fair experiment which demonstrates adding CO2 to a glass jar increase temperature?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This experiment does not demonstrate greenhouse effect in the atmosphere, how global warming actually works. Al Gore actually faked this experiment in one of his projects.


John, how did you come to the conclusion that he added pressure to the glass jar when he added the CO2? You can clearly see that the jar is open when he was adding CO2 and that the addition of the CO2 would displace the same volume of gases.

Was the experiment a valid experiment to demonstrate how CO2 would warm the atmosphere? No, his experiment was conducted in a closed system. What the experiment did do is show that CO2 will trap some of the heat energy from escaping from the jar. Also, the simple addition of more CO2 into the jar did not raise the temperature within the jar. A heat source, to simulate our sun, was needed to raise the temperature of the jars. What the experiment showed is that the jar with more CO2 in it warmed faster, reached a higher temperature and cooled slower than the jar with atmospheric levels of gases.

While there is no lab experiment that could accurately duplicate the real world conditions that is our planet, there are experiments that will show the greenhouse has a warming effect.

There have been several attempts at a simple experiment like this. To do it properly is actually quite exacting.

I don't know why you say the pressure is greater in the CO2 jar. The gas was not forced in. He took the lid off, squirted in some CO2 and then put the lid back.

The idea of a glass jar is interesting, though. Isn't glass opaque to infrared? Were they glass?

The temperature increase looks a bit too large as well. Over 10o F if I am reading the graphs properly.

The experiment would be more convincing if it was done more times and the person making the temperature readings did not know which bottle had the extra CO2 in it. Knowing the exact CO2 concentration would help relate the experiment to real life as well.

Maybe you should watch the video again.

He releases CO2 into the jar, then puts the lid on afterward.

That means that the CO2 jar is at the same atmospheric pressure as the control jar.

Worse, if you've ever released pressurized CO2, or any gas, you know it's cold, so that jar starts out colder. In truth, it has time for the temperature to even out, as is shown by his graph.

So the experiment does show that CO2 traps heat, just as he describes.

I do realize you might not like the results, but he hasn't made a mistake.

Thus far, you're the one that has made the mistake.

BTW, it appears that someone has hi-jacked Hey Dook's ID. That answer is not typical of his posts.

I have seen similar experiments. It appears he put thousands of times more co2 in the jar than what you would find normally in the atmosphere and it is interesting that it appeared to be only 1-2 degrees warmer than the control. Just the added mass of the co2 jar would be expected to ha e some effect in heat holding capacity. However interesting this experiment is it can not be considered valid as a way to obtain a reliable result without much, much more work to verify results and then can have no conclusions which would be teansferible to the real world except that their may be some argument for more experiments.

Bogus! The glass jar would block the infra-red or heat waves from getting to the interior of the jar. You only have to truly understand the true greenhouse in order to know this is bogus. So let me explain the greenhouse effect.

The Sun's rays go THROUGH the glass of a greenhouse, since they are smaller in wavelength. An amount of these rays strike the earth and are converted to infra-red or heat waves. These heat or Infra-red waves are longer and are BLOCKED from exiting the inner chamber of the greenhouse. This trapping of the heat waves is what causes the temperature rise INSIDE the greenhouse.

Now in this experiment the little gentleman is applying the infra-red OUTSIDE the chamber. The infra-red or heat waves will have no effect on the inner-chamber since they are BLOCKED from entering the chamber or jar as they can't go through glass.

The teacher should have seen this and corrected Mr. Wizard Jr. The teacher should either be fired or taken out and beaten with a wet noodle for missing that gross error.

Here is another one such experiment by Bill Nye. Ha! Ha!


Look closely and you'll see that the kid is actually a Reptilian. With the magnifying glass at the bottomof every specially marked box of crackerjacks, you too can spot the thin wires coming from the back of his head. I'm not saying we know for sure that an Illuminanti hooked up those wires to a device remote controlled by Al Gore from Elvis's UFO, but the Rothschilds work in subtle evil ways.

I'd be interested to know how they got ocean currents, clouds and aerosols into that glass jar.

@Some1Has: "there is no lab experiment that could accurately duplicate the real world conditions"

Well, you are really on to something here. I'm impressed. Take it a step further. Try to think of some lab results that when applied to the real world result in outcomes that are the opposite of expected. Then I'd be REALLY impressed.

No, it demonstrates that it's very difficult to do an experiment on this scale that depends on measuring the quantity of trapped heat to show how greenhouse gasses trap radiation.

What you allude to is a fallacy. It demonstrates nothing about the climate

compared to another glass jar that has the same composition as Earth's atmosphere. Adding lots of CO2 increased temperature. However, the increase in temperature was due to increase in air pressure from adding CO2 rather than due to increase in CO2 itself, consistent with classical physics. Does this science fair experiment demonstrate CO2 does not trap heat as climate scientists think it does?


>> Does this science fair experiment demonstrate CO2 does not trap heat as climate scientists think it does? <<

No; maybe you should look at some real experimental evidence.


Hi John You mite like these clips as well