> Possible Solution to Global Warming?

Possible Solution to Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well, when you put scrubbers on power plants to reduce their emissions you drop the efficiency of the plant by something like 10-15%. And then there's the problem of what do you do with that which has been collected. Sequestration's an interesting theory, but unproven in the long term, and when there's money involved you can bet there will be the opportunity to cut corners for profit, which weakens any theory significantly.

Gases have highvolume therefore to reduce the size you would need to turn it into a liquid or solid which would obviously cost money - as other people have said nobody wants to pay for it...it is a worldwide problem that requires a worldwide solution.

Add approx 3.5 Billion people to many to the Equation and their impacts on the needs of the planet's Resources you have the Major Contributor


Start by confiscating all of the $Millions that Gore has made off of the AGW scam and deport him.

Follow up with the stripping of academic credentials from the several so-called 'Climate Scientists' who have corrupted scientific data in order to perpetuate Gore's scheme.

Not possible, and anyway if you do this we will die from lack of oxygen, our oxygen is burnt with carbon which makes Co2 if we do not let plants convert back it to carbon and oxygen we will run out of O2.

I better answer this question Dave Remillard before I pop out to work :( @Baccheus..."Why would somebody do that? Who would pay for that?" Hope you find the answer you're looking for Dave Remillard!

Closing and de-funding the IPCC and bogus Research would be a good start . Firing

Jim Hansen and ignoring Micheal Mann would help too .

C02 is about 50% heavier than "air". It falls onto the ground, or ocean readily due to gravity and is absorbed by plats and oceans on the way. So kinda like exta effort for what happens naturally. By the way The warming causes the release of C02, not C02 causes warming. You can observe this every year in the natural fluctuation during winter, summer.

Edit: I see there is a lot of controversy on this subject. some saying the plants absorbing C02 in summer in northern hemeshere is only reason for C02 fluctuation, or implies that by omision. I have seen these articles that have not even considered the heating of southern hemespere, which is mainly ocean, as a C02 source. Interesting.

@Baccheus..."Why would somebody do that? Who would pay for that?"

Soooo... we're in agreement that carbon capture and sequestration is a stupid idea.

Weeeeird. Did you just briefly enter reality from Bizarro World where you normally reside? Can you please say this aloud: Kltpzyxm

Why would somebody do that? Who would pay for that?

Ideas are one thing. Policy is something else. Americans, through our House of Representatives, have already voted to do nothing in this generation. (Other than pay for repairs and insurance rates of course.)

It just struck me that global warming is caused by a release of CO2 in the atmosphere... so what if we contained the emissions before they mix in with the air and store them underground and return them back to the soil? Why not put some kind of containment unit over, say a car's exhaust pipe, that you fill up as you drive, then eccentrically recycle once your you've burned through the gasoline. Maybe it could be like a CO2 bag that not only keeps it out of the atmosphere, but you safer, absorbing the impact of a collision from the car's exterior

google "carbon capture sequestration"

Lots of information out there on this topic.

Nature's way is better. Nature created plants to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. More CO2 = more plants. Satellite imagry proves this.