> Now that we are in 2015 is it safe to say that Global Warming has been debunked (officially)?

Now that we are in 2015 is it safe to say that Global Warming has been debunked (officially)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Not really, since it never had a scientific basis. Sure, "the globe has warmed," which is exactly what's supposed to happen as you emerge from an ice age; but the actual claim the IPCC makes (by the way, why do only "deniers" even know who/what the IPCC is?) is that given the historically recent warming period, and given that this warming slowed by half since industrialization, that industrialization is what caused the warming in the first place - a century or so before the industrialization came about.

Yes, THAT is the specific claim of "man-made global warming" theory.

Mankind's technology is so powerful it goes back in time to cause things hundreds of years before we build it. YOU believe THAT, or you are what all Democrats call a "science denier."

Another way to look at it:

The IPCC's predictions are based on an aggregate of models. If those models are any good, we should observe REALITY tracking within a certain margin of error cooler/warmer than those models predict. The farther from that prediction REALITY moves, the less likely it is those models are valid.

Well, AT BEST, the IPCC has been able to say holding their model up against reality shows it's POSSIBLE their model is valid. They have NEVER YET been able to show it's LIKELY their model is valid as the margin of error has ALWAYS yielded a "probability" showing their models more likely wrong than right - and it's been consistently getting WORSE the whole time.

In fact, if trends since the first IPSS report continue just a few more years, the IPCC's model and theory will be affirmatively proved false.

It's fascinating that in their last report, THEIR data shows this is so and that they "interpret" this as proof they're on the right track. It's equally interesting that all Democrats, and no one scientifically literate, believe that.

Well denial is looking to be on very shaky ground as they continue to claim we are cooling yet 2013 was the 4th warmest year on record and 2014 is set to be the warmest year in the modern record.

You will still get deniers who will try to spin fiction "all the other planets are warming"

Which is simply not true


It gives a good guide to how deniers push B.S. and add to it over time as this little tail started out as just Mars and Pluto. Now it seems to include the Moon, not sure how a satellite with no atmosphere can have a climate, but then understanding science has never been a denier strong point.

As for "debunked (officially)" given that not one scientific organisation in the world support deniers stream of B.S. who would that official be, this is the very reason deniers can only reference blogs and why they have a new conspiracy or theory every other day, it's why scientists stopped taking them seriously almost a decade ago.

i.e. take just on denier claim as an example

"no warming in 18 years" (the number varies depending on the version of the theory)

Yet look at the real data and you see warming since 1997 (i.e. 18 years ago)


Whoops !

Or another often used denier claim "we have fallen below the temperature estimates of the IPCC"

yet again look at the actual temperature estimates used in AR4 back in 2007 and we have quite simply not fallen below those estimates, these are a set of 6 different models with ranged estimates.


Have we fallen below them, not at all, we are in fact, on actual recorded temps up to date, near the top of these estimates made 8 years ago.

The correct term (seeing that it makes some areas/seasons colder, drier or wetter) is "global climate change".

No it hasn't been debunked. Several weather record values have been broken every year in the last decade. CO2 levels have risen to above 400, while they haven't been more than 280 for several hundred thousand years

No Liberal has ever responded---intelligently---to the fact that the Moon, and the planet Mars are experiencing Global Warming, as well as the earth. Now, I believe we can ALL safely assume humans have been unable to produce sufficient greenhouse gasses to affect the climate on the Moon, and the planet Mars. Perhaps, scientists---true to the implementation of the Scientific Method---would care to venture an INTELLGENT hypothesis as to the causation of Global Warming, here on earth.

Global warming didn't predict we wouldn't make it to 2015. Global Warming predicted the climate is warming, which it is.

Only liars and morons deny it's real.

It has never been debunked at all. Have you really not noticed all the freaky and extreme weather events? Go look at images of Greenland, and other formerly icy places.

The effects of solar energy heat retention keeps on keeping on. Heat energy leaves the atmosphere for colder venues just as soon as the sun sets. If enough heat escapes into out space as arrives in a 24 hour period all is well. The amount of retained heat depends on the composition of the atmosphere. The more CO2 the more heat will be retained.

You can;t debunk something that's never been proved in the first place, man made global warming is just a fairy story.

Global warming is real. That is a scientific fact. There is no "debate."

BTW: if you haven't noticed, your oil gods are dying.

The earth has been warming and cooling many times in the geological record. This inane idea that climate is static is something liberals "cooked up" with this debate. lol

the IPCC faked all its data as it proved the opposite of what they claim , so they now call it climate change which in case anyone hasn't heard has been going on for over a million years

That depends on what you mean by "Global Warming"

How? By marking an X on a date on the calendar?

Debunked? No one has been able to refute AGW. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.



Wrong. Some areas/seasons become colder because of natural cycles that would happen anyways. It happened during the Medieval Warm Period and in 1934.




Are you kidding?

Liberals are making too much money off this scam to give it up.


yes if you official source is WUWT.

no if sources are reputable science sources

Of course not.

Not one way or the other.

Nope....why do you think otherwise?