> New report Los Angeles vulnerable to sea level rise?

New report Los Angeles vulnerable to sea level rise?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This is just crazy hype by Alarmists, so nothing new... right? http://www.usc.edu/org/seagrant/research...

But looking at the the actual report (I linked above) the predictions are 5 to 24 inches by 2050 (that is a huge range). Or, 17 to 66 inches by 2100 (another huge range). So this is one truly worthless report, the huge range of each prediction makes it no prediction at all in my opinion. But even the low range of the predictions seem to be based on nothing but Alarmists nonsense.

Peer reviewed study says that there is only about 7 inches of sea level rise per century. http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2012/0...

How Phyllis Grifman, lead author of the report and associate director of the USC Sea Grant Program came up with these wild numbers, we will probably never know. Her low-end predictions are about THREE TIMES actual sea level rise. AND THAT IS HER LOW-END PREDICTION !!


Of course it's vulnerable--not as vulnerable as coastlines with gently rising slopes, but any place bounded by the ocean is vulnerable.

Maxx says "this is one truly worthless report" based on nothing but his own expert knowledge of the subject. I've never heard Maxx claim to either have a job or a degree or training of any kind, but if he'd like to correct me I'd be more than interested in hearing what his expert knowledge of the subject comes from.

How much the sea level will rise is certainly not well known. If it comes about purely from thermal expansion of sea water it will be relatively slow, however if meltwater and glacier calving from Greenland become significant, it the rate could speed up greatly. Knowing what sort of effects would come about for a particular storm surge is a useful thing to know--as those people around New York and New Jersey were made painfully aware of during Superstorm Sandy. Coastlines are vulnerable to flooding, there is no question of that.

Beach and bluff erosion is an active and ongoing problem in California, and sea level rise only exacerbates the problem. In Encinitas, CA the coastline has retreated more than 600 feet inland from its 19th century location. A study like this can be very useful to policy planners.

That is a lie. In fact American West coast rising from the sea that much every year. The problem actually with American East coast. And all these changes due to move of tectonic continental plates, not to AGW. This is geological issue, not climate issue.

Looks like another government grant grab to me. Coastlines have always been changing. The earth is dynamic. Where was humanity's call to action when Pangea broke up. Oh wait...

Not near as much as many other areas, like NY Manhattan.

The Climate Parasites must be fearful that their taxpayer-funded Golden Goose of welfare/research grant money is in jeopardy.

I agree global warming is a man made lie,

Is this real global warming proof


Why don't you buy a 5 million $$ property on the beach and see how much it is worth as an underwater denier museum

Did you read the study? Do you know what a storm surge is?


How ridiculous and sensational can you get.

Los Angleles, current rate of steady sea level rise is 0.83mm per year, man-made CO2 will need to quickly jump into action to a rate of 15 mm/yr, a factor of 18 times faster, to achieve 2 feet sea level rise by 2050:

Climate parasites in action again