> Jello and Cyclops have blocked me. Does show that they can not handle the Truth?

Jello and Cyclops have blocked me. Does show that they can not handle the Truth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Cyclops and Maxx block me as well as a host of others. The funny thing is when Dook was here blocking people all of them were reposting his questions and such and claiming that realists had lost their argument based on blockings yet they completely ignore the fact that there are more of them that block people than us.

There's always room for Jello.

And if Tom Cruise can't handle the truth, which he can't (Jack Nicholson said so himself), maybe Cyclops can't either.

Now what the hell are you talking about?

Yes, that is exactly why they blocked you. Cyclops and Madd Maxx block me because they can't handle the truth.

Or, at least, that they don't like hearing people they disagree with.