> Jello, "Should we hold global warming scientists responsible for their predictions"?

Jello, "Should we hold global warming scientists responsible for their predictions"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
My answer to Dr. Jello

Why just "global warming scientists"? Why not the "skeptics"? Why not all scientists?

Every scientist who makes a hypothesis or who questions another scientist's hypothesis risks being wrong. If scientists were penalized every time they were wrong, there would be no science.


All realists please report Maxx's and Sagebrush's answers. If enough of us do, their answers will be deleted. And they do violate YA guidelines. I'm sure that YA doesn't want to be sued.

Madd Maxx

You accuse scientists of fraud just because you don't like what they are saying, and you expect me to apologize?

The difference is that we don't force these predictions on others. You're not forced to have a flu shot, you're not taxed more if you don't carry an umbrella. And yea, weathermen do get fired if they lose creditability with bad forecasts. Global warming "scientists" should be held to the same standard. I hope you agree. If not, how can you stand by any prediction?

So we are on the same page that climate forecasting is no more reliable than long range weather forecasting? I guess that's a start. If you can admit that the science is nowhere close to being "settled" than maybe you could come over to the dark side and become a skeptic.

Will the deniers be solely responsible for the consequences of inaction? We will all suffer the consequences together whether they be from global warming or the economic costs of attempting to do something about it, although economic issues tend to be focused on individual families who lose their jobs ( recession is when some else loses their job, depression is when you do ), and global warming will likely affect people more by country, economic disparity and geography. In neither case will the consequences care about the victim's prior opinion.

Weather forecasters have not committed criminal fraud by data tampering like the alarmists climate community has.

And Weather forecasters have not wasted hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars with junk science. Nor have weather forecasters been caught red-handed rigging the peer review process in their favor like alarmist climate scientists.



Should we hold weather forecasters responsible for their predictions?

Should we hold the CDC responsible for next year's flu predictions?

And demote them, and cut their pay, if they are wrong?

OR, are some posters around here more than a little delusional?