> Is there any question that Al Gore said there was not going to be snow in five years?

Is there any question that Al Gore said there was not going to be snow in five years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Yes there is a question. That's not what he said. He said the Arctic would be ice free in 5 years. He was a bit off on the specifics, although arctic ice was recently among the lowest levels on record. He never said anything about there being no more snow.

Wow! You mean some people are actually claiming Al Gore said that there would be no snow anywhere in the world in 5 years? That is pretty hard to believe.

Yes, there is a question? Do you have the actual quote?


Realists have over a century of science behind our "claims", long before Al Gore made his movie.


And can you point out any time when a realist used Al Gore as a source?

Of course there is!

You've claimed this a couple of times now over the past few weeks and every single time your source turned out to be a highly biased website (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/12/... ) whose interpretation of "evidence" is as shady as yours. Then there's the not unimportant matter that your source does not even back-up your claim at all as it refers to POLAR ICE while you are referring to SNOW in GENERAL.

SNOW and ICE are not the same thing. It is incredible that at this stage in your global warming denial, you still haven't found that out.

Your second line of defense usually is: "Google gives lots of hits". It sure does, most if not all to 'sites' with similar reporting integrity as you and Gatewaypundit. That a quote is "all over the internet" does not make it true.

Everytime he opens his mouth, the world freezes over. Especially if he's going to a Climate Change summit, where it has snowed more in recorded history.

It's all about the money IMO!!!


" ... Global investments in fighting climate change fell in 2013 to $331 billion, according to a new report. ... "


" ... His climate change spending priorities, estimated to be $120 billion since the beginning of his administration, were on the ballot, and Americans spoke.”

< I wonder where he got that money? >

Others have said that Obama did not have the authority to pledge the dollars, and it has been unclear from where he plans to get the money.

On Twitter, opinions about the decision came fast and furious: ... "


" ... a network of politicians, corporations, and scientists have conspired together to promote the fear of “global warming” . . . despite evidence clearly stating no such “global warming” exists. ... "

It's about time for this PONZI scheme to finally fall apart. Take your money and GO AL GORE!!! Find another Planet, please!!!

Al Gore is nothing but POND SCUM after a good snow melt!!!!

Al Gore makes all sorts of nutty predictions. The alarmists are happy to have him scaring people, then when they are called on it, they say this Nobel Prize Winner, who they applauded, is not relevant.

That is a myth passed along by dishonest people. It is not important, except that it shows that anti-evidence ubercons lack personal integrity, and will say anything about anybody without regard to truth or ethics.

If climate-change deniers did not make stuff up, and paid attention to truth and reality, they would not be climate change deniers.


You have already posted a video showing him saying some very different. To say he claim there would be no snow is to lie. It is important for people to understand the kind of person you are.

There is until a source is provided, like an interview or a video clip. And where? Florida or Alaska?

I don't know, is there any question that Reagan lied to the American people?

He did admit to it.

Since you can only lie, there is no question that he did not say it

Yes. The only people that say that are fools or liars.

yes..a question: find proof.