> Is there an organized 'Denialist Machine' behind the efforts to confuse the issue of human caused global warming

Is there an organized 'Denialist Machine' behind the efforts to confuse the issue of human caused global warming

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And if there is, who is in charge of this organized effort to obfuscate this "science"?

I am constantly amazed by the people that think the sceptic side spends lots of money on this when all the big money is on the other side. All it means is that they never look into the details. They just believe someone because it fits with their point of view.

Also, while linking sceptics to conspiracy theories they seem to be quite prone to them themselves.

{ By the way, Charles and Dave have been having email problems (their wind turbine packed up). They asked me to remind the team to all be at RealClimate first thing Friday for maximum effect - OK? :) }

I tend to suspect that the original Koch Brother, who is none other than the Piltdown Man, may be one behind it. The man behind the curtain may actually have an ape jaw.

Nope, there is a more or less orgnanized "machine" to support the AGW hypothesis...and to confuse the issue. And, yes, there are plenty of scientists who have expressed skepticism about this Climate Change myth.

Some Christians (mostly in the south) believe that climate change conflicts with the notion of their lords omnipotence and therefore have a mental block preventing them from accepting the piles and piles of evidence.

Yes and funded mainly by Soros and Strong.

yes. start at heartland institute and global warming foundation.

then there are multiple blogs like wattsup and friends of science.

the fossil fuel industry is involved but so are ultra conservative tea party types.

You tell me. You're part of it

And if there is, who is in charge of this organized effort to obfuscate this "science"?