> Do you know what ex-NASA employees have to say on Global Warming? The ones who aren't afraid to speak, that is?

Do you know what ex-NASA employees have to say on Global Warming? The ones who aren't afraid to speak, that is?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

From your link : " ... "The issue in dispute is the amount of amplification that would come from humidification of a warmer mid-to-upper troposphere," the report explains. And here, once again, they argue that, based on several studies the answer at present "is far from clear." ..."

So far, there isn't any studies that confirm mid to upper tropospheric warming and the "amplification effect" nor is their any evidence to confirm "deep ocean warming" (another unsubstantiated claim by alarmist/environmentalist science). The alarmists keep using "surface data" to confirm their message and that warming is negligible and far from being "catastrophic" (0.87C in 350+ years of measurements).

I can understand why many of these people have a hard time with the political inferences they are subjected to. Probably a good reason to leave the "Climate Clown Science" Industry that is firmly imbedded within the NASA and IP CC culture.

How many have left the IP CC "Climate Clown Science" Industry and have voiced their concern over politicization of the science?

Haven't you recycled this multiple times? NASA has about 60,000 employees currently, so I would guess it probably has at least 100,000 ex-employees. How many have contributed to this report? I don't know, because they don't list their names. I did find the name of a "lead author" for another "report" of theirs...maybe he's not just the lead author, but the ONLY author. They admit that climate is not their area of expertise. That makes me wonder why, with all of those ex-NASA employees to access, they couldn't have found one that knew something about climate. There must be many retired NASA employees with expertise in climate--and yet they apparently didn't participate.

If there are multiple people that contributed to this report, they are multiple unqualified people who rehash a bunch of old stuff without contributing any new insights and who promulgate information that is misleading, at best.

NASA is a part of the government, because they are they understand that they have to play politics to get money. This is the same group that claimed that an ozone hole was opening up over Kennebunkport just before the 1988 elections because President Bush wanted to reduce their budget. They know how to play this game, and they know there's money in the warming scam.

I know what ex-NASA employee James Hansen has to say. It has nothing to do with Marxism, because his specialty is climate, not politics, and he knows his specialty: global climate change.

Astronauts know how to fly spacecraft. A different specialty.

Here's one


Many people work at nasa including welders and nurses. Your article is irrelevant
