> What is short easy name for climate change theory supporters?

What is short easy name for climate change theory supporters?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A polite non-abusive name

I call them warmers, and mean nothing derogatory by it. If they are acting as if the world is going to end and screaming like Chicken Little, then I call tehm alarmists, which is slightly derogatory, but not nearly as much as "denier".


Smart? Realists?

Sure you don't want to be called "Wise guys" or "Know it alls"?

Not getting my point? How quickly can a self-praising term become something that is more of an insult than praise??? Why not just stick with something that point to your beliefs, not the "corectness" of those beliefs? Why? Because a self-praising term tends to sound ... oh what is the word ... ARROGANT!!!

I guess if you can't talk about the science then all that's left is to talk about nicknames, I guess it's lost on deniers that the above rather long list of names, says far more about denier that it does about us (whatever you want call us)

While denier may want to play the martyr and try and link the use of the term denier to WWII, it is used because you are simply trying to deny what is now an overwhelming amount of data coming from most of the worlds related scientific community a range of fields of science from around the world.

The term denier is one used in physiology (well before WWII) and frankly the endless conspiracy theories twisting of facts and name calling are textbook examples of the condition.

Take the fantasist 'DrJello" (to scared to let me answers his nonsense anymore)

"they have no idea if it will be warmer or colder in 5 years, they just believe it will be warmer."

Why limit it to 5 years, lets double that and make it 10 years (a whole decade)

the 80's was warmer than the 70's, the 90's where warmer 80's, the 00's where warmer than the 90's and now the 10's are warmer (so far) the the 00's. That's based on solid data not belief, It's also hard to notice you offer nothing but the usual empty rhetoric (two liner)


The long term trend is rising temps and I see no denier offering anything real to counter that, of course go back 5 years and I recall you and your denier twin brothers talking about cooling, what ever happened to that, with 2010 the current warmest year on record 2012 in the top ten 2013 the 4th warmest and 2014 looking set to be the new warmest, but then I guess apart from your usual game of throwing a few insults you wont even try to answer these point and there you have the very reason you guys earn the title deniers.

As to short term trends, funny I seem to recall may deniers trying to claim the end of warming back in 2011, when there was a brief drop is sea level rise a few years ago, but then suffering a lapse of memory on the issue when sea level went back to rising, again what better example of denial could you have.


Good question, one I've gone back and forth on. I tend to use alarmists but don't like it. I would rather use global warming supporters as more neutral, but it suggests that they support having the planet warm up. Theorizers might be another possibility but it is probably not acceptable to the alarmists. Proponents has the same problem as supporters but is perhaps better.





Intelligent realistic

I think Warmers is pretty benign.

Realists? That is what I call them. Warmers sounds good too.

A polite non-abusive name

Believers is the best term because they have no idea if it will be warmer or colder in 5 years, they just believe it will be warmer.

Meteor lover!

Blowers, Blow, blow, thou wintery wind, the frost is not so unkind as when the Sun comes out and melts it


Is a name needed? Do we have a name for the people that believe in gravity?

Google it

"Slavers." It does not identify any particular group to be enslaved.

