> Is claiming that CO2 concentration causes warming like arguing that birds cause temperatures to fall by flying South?

Is claiming that CO2 concentration causes warming like arguing that birds cause temperatures to fall by flying South?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Based on Earth’s recent geologic history?

Very similar. Ask the GW tribal elders. They believe that by ending our consumption of fossil fuel, the elements will be appeased, and we will no longer have climate change. All storms will cease, there will be calm. Gentle rain will fall in its season. There will be no wild fire. There will be snow in the mountains to slide on. There will be ice in the northlands for polar bears, on which to rest, while waiting to catch a baby seal. There will be glaciers in the canyons of Glacier National Park. The permafrost will return to the northlands so they don't have to pour foundations and the stink holes will stop their stink. The fish will return to the fisheries, and the floating trash heaps of plastic bottles will disappear. Diseases will disappear. The trees will no longer be plagued by the Beatles. The ocean will stop its acidity, and it will no longer threaten peaceful villages built along the beaches and on the tiny islands of the Indian Ocean. All of these wonderful things, and many more, are promised if we will just do as they want and pay them about $4,000 a person every year. They do not accept first-born children or Visa. And 97% of them agree that this should be done, and they may have some reservations and fine print, misunderstandings and backpedalling.

CO2 does cause warming. It is a greenhouse gas. However, its influence on the atmosphere is relatively weak and it becomes weaker with increasing concentration. There are many other climate drivers at work other than CO2. All your graph shows is that the effect of CO2 can be erased by other factors.

Just like what has happened for the last 18 years. Hmmmmm......

As the politicians like to say, "I'm not a scientist," so I rely on the scientific community for information. The academies of science of the world, and NASA and the US Navy, are unanimous in telling us that our emission of greenhouse gases is causing very serious global warming which is already causing sea level rise and more extreme weather. We need to listen to them and move from fossil fuels to renewables as quickly as possible. Check out citizensclimatelobby.org.

That is a good analogy. Alarmists seem to think correlation is necessarily causation. I suppose Snowbirds flying from New York to Miami in the winter are probably a big cause of the cold northeast winter as well.

Birds are surprisingly clever. They do not work by local temperature. They can work out what the global average temperature is. So even the migratory birds that don't live at the poles know that polar nights are getting warmer.

This means that when they look in their diaries to see what would be a good day to start their migration they can take into account the global warming and adjust the start day accordingly.

From the link below: "Recent climate changes may have altered the relative importance of these three factors, resulting in an advance or a delay of autumn migration."

This graph shows several interesting scientific facts that the believers would like to ignore. First is that co2 levels increased at a faster rate before mans arrival on the planet, second is that temperature is the leading variable, co2 increases some 800 years after the temps start in increase, not like they are saying today. global warming believers are very selective about which science they choose to believe..

Well yes of course the birds are the reason we have winter, and CO2 is very clever it causes rises in temperature even before it increases.

Without a doubt. Alarmist and extremist are the most difficult and gullable.

no, it's science

Based on Earth’s recent geologic history?