> Is P. D. O. real??????

Is P. D. O. real??????

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Or is it a fudge factor?

I have heard that the PDO is associated with the AMO as they seem to work interchangeably.



PDO index - http://www.personal.psu.edu/afr3/blogs/S...

AMO index - https://www2.ucar.edu/sites/default/file...

Note that it take a few years for a change in one before a change in the other occurs as well.

Not quite sure what you’re getting at. Has this question arisen in response to another question/answer? Is someone saying that the PDO isn’t real or is of no consequence?

The PDO is the term that refers to observed changes in the variability of the Pacific climates. Given that these are observed changes (as opposed to perceived, projected, speculated etc) then they are very real.

By definition the PDO is real but there’s a lot we don’t know about it. In it’s simplest form the PDO can be likened to ENSO, but on a longer timescale. Whilst an ENSO episode typically lasts for a year or so, a PDO episode lasts for 20 to 30 years; the consequences and effects of both oscillations are similar.

I see what you are getting at in that the PDO is not actually detrended sea surface temperature anomalies of the North Pacific but rather an abstract form of sea surface temperature anomalies.

Fudge factor? Perhaps. That's a good point and one can take that and ask the same thing about average global surface temperatures and precipitation.

It's another natural event that climate science has to deal with and try to figure out why humans can't control it or have an effect on it. A part of how the climate works that has nothing to do with human activity. It's a totally natural event with much documentation due to fish migrations and sea fishermen. Alaskan King Crab migration has a lot to do with the PDO. Tracking temperatures give the crab fishermen a better idea of where the crab are.

Not proven conclusively but a reasonable assumption, until more evidence is found.

Of course it's real.

Next question.


Predigested Ostrich meat? Dunno. I'd never heard of it before.

Or is it a fudge factor?