> Is NOAA OLR data incompatible with the theory of AGW?

Is NOAA OLR data incompatible with the theory of AGW?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The real story is in cloud cover. CO2 is just a side show. Some clouds trap heat, others release heat into the atmosphere, and scientists really don't understand what's going on with clouds.

Since water traps about 100 times more heat than CO2, it is entirely possible that the atmosphere holds in less heat as the CO2 concentration rises. The effect of clouds could easily overwhelm the effect of CO2.

NOAA could'nt find its way out of a paper bag with directions. Global warming ended 11/28/2012, confirmed by our Satelite reports. Once Global warming ended, it somehow connected with Haley's Comet to return to its original mission. Haley's comet collided into the so-called incoming Asteroid 13 years from earth= Dubbed THE BIG BANG. Now Earth is safe, except for the existing ALIENS that implemented their Organism to create Global warming in 1977. Have a nice day. Global command

Who's this Jennifer and why should anyone be interested in her views? If she's a qualified climate scientist, let her work be part of the whole body of climate science and be assessed accordingly by her peers. If not, who cares?

Why not link to the NOAA for the true picture - a body of work from lots of real scientists - instead of one nobody (AFAIK) whose words will just confuse ordinary people like you?

Oh how nice...

Yet another engineer (with no climate science experience whatsoever) who thinks a 4 page presentation showing his intellectual limitations somehow is sufficient evidence against 100+ years of scientific research and peer-review papers by professionals who did study the matter.

I just love the couple of elitist responses suggesting that climate science can only be understood by someone with "climate experience" or a "qualified climate scientist".......how pompous!!

It is this type of exaggerated, sense of self-importance that results in failure to practice REAL science.

Climate Science is not complicated.....it is easily understood by anyone with average intelligence. Elitists.....get over yourselves!!



There is of course an even simpler way of looking at the NOAA data. The AGW theory

claims the earth is warming because rising CO2 is like a blanket, reducing Earth’s energy loss to space but the NOAA data shows that at least for the last 30 years Earth’s energy loss to space

has been rising. The last 30 years of NOAA data is not compatible with the theory of AGW. It would appear that either 30 years of NOAA data is wrong or the theory of AGW is very severely flawed