> If the oceans are rising, why do developers keep building and offering on the coast?

If the oceans are rising, why do developers keep building and offering on the coast?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Peggy: < The ocean is rising relatively slowly> That's what we have been telling you. Maybe you should start listening to us. In fact it is rising so slow, no one can tell. Ha! Ha! This is a great day.

Have you been on the coast? Many coastal areas are beautiful. The ocean is rising relatively slowly, so a decade or two from now most coastal areas are not going to be that different than they are today. This is especially true in places where the land rises steeply from the ocean.

Whether the ocean rises or not, houses on the coast are always subject to changes in ocean level due to tides, winds, wave run up, and storm surges. So the risk is already there and people should take that into account when purchasing along the ocean. Unfortunately, in the US the government has offered relatively inexpensive insurance that has allowed people to live on the coast while the government absorbs most of the risk.

These are really risks that people should incur themselves, rather than transferring it to others. They should buy their own private insurance policies and the government should stop the subsidies. If you build on a cliff above the ocean, you should realize that the cliff is there because things have fallen into the ocean in the past, and you are taking the risk that your house will be next to go. I know of communities where the road numbering starts at "Fourth Avenue" because the first three avenues have already fallen into the sea.

EDIT: No Sagebrush, scientists can tell that the ocean is rising. If you ever cracked open a book and learned some science you might know that too. Perhaps more than any other denier on here, you seem to enjoy wallowing in your own ignorance, like a pig in the mud.

Developers don't care. They will have the property sold before the big storm hits. If not, insurance will cover most of their losses. Barrier islands are constantly reforming and migrating inland. You may evacuate and return to see a new inlet where your multimillion home used to be. But people keep buying, thinking that they will be exempt from the laws of nature. This drives up prices and makes the developers' work that much more lucrative.

Some developers have taken it upon themselves to begin preparing for such extremes. As Pegminer states, however, the oceans are rising relatively slowly. currently they are rising at a rate of just over 3mm per year. That being said, many of those who are not prepared for ocean increase that live along the shoreline will have to prepare. The slow ocean increase, though, isn't the major problem with the oceans rising. It is such things as the increased strength of storm surges, the resulting increase in flooding, and so on that we have to be wary of.


Pegminer cannot possibly be correct because Sagebrush "knows" the sun orbits the earth, because he can see it and because the likes of the Flat Earth Society say so, and because science is run by liberal literacyists who think they know what the square root of 16 is.

Because there is always some idiot that will pay for it. Real estate is founded on the "bigger fool" rule

Because smart people don't buy into the sea level rise nonsense.

Peer-Reviewed Study: No unusual Sea Level rise for Bangladesh


There is also no unusual Sea Level rise for the Maldives


Study shows sea level rise of less than 7 inches per century with no acceleration



Developers only care about profits and want to unload the land while they can.


Sagebrush thinks that scientists are liars, because Paul Ehlich, Maurice Strong, Joseph Goebels, videos of graphs taped to see-saws and, most important of all, the voices in his head, tell him so.

Margaritas and cheeseburgers.