> How smart are global warming protesters?

How smart are global warming protesters?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I agree with JimZ on this one. My step-brother has always done poorly in school, but he can take apart, fix and reassemble most anything. At the same time, I have trouble getting my microwave not to blink 12:00 all of the time. In fact, the smartest professor I knew in his area, I kid you not, I saw looking for his glasses for an hour. They were on top of his head. (Note that I told him that, right when I figured out what he was doing. He told me he had been looking for them for an hour.)

Anyways, I don't think one can judge the intelligence of the members of this group by a bonehead mistake, .. though admittedly it is funny.

Having a high IQ doesn't get you very far unless you use it. I have known people with high IQs that were dumber than dirt. My mother and sister are well over genius in IQ. Pretty much my whole family would be eligible for Mensa but I still am not impressed too much with IQ. My brother in law can remember and tell jokes so much better than me that I feel dumb by comparison. For me science knowledge is a lot about interest. When I was young, I loved science and it was so interesting that it was easy for me to remember. Some people, like my sister in law, are walking encyclopedias of songs and song writers but I sometimes forget the names of my favorite songs or artist and don't ask me what the name of the book I am reading but you can ask me the scientific name of any bird of prey which I learned over 30 years ago.

"And could you give an example of a denier in here you think has a high IQ? "

Maybe Kano can't, or is too modest, but I can: me!

EDIT: Being bright, I know that there are three classic responses to declaring a high IQ:

1. Assert that having a high IQ means nothing.

2. Respond with a difficult to solve puzzle.

3. Ask a question to which you are not likely to know the answer.

It took approximately 6 hours. Well done Jim Z. In fact we all know that having a high IQ means that you are good at IQ tests - nothing more and nothing less.


But that's what you would expect from a political movement that chooses an intellectual light weight like gore to be their high profile spokesperson.

Maybe this explains it.


Next I suppose they will try to claim that 30 years of education can somehow magically raise an individuals actual I.Q.

On a related note.



I think any type of protesters are fist emotional and only then smart, or not.

Whenever I see protest, I see emotions are playing much bigger role than brain, regardless of protesters main issue.

That's pretty funny, considering your buddies in here.

EDIT: Kano, that study you quote tests if people have the scientific knowledge of second graders--in other words, you can do brilliantly on that quiz and still know next to nothing about science. And where does it say anything about IQs? And could you give an example of a denier in here you think has a high IQ? Most of them seem as smart as a bag of rocks.

As your buddy Jerry would say, they're "moroons".

Yes because when setting up everyone else always does everything perfectly. I am sure they worked out to turn it around quickly enough.

Also considering some of your posts on here Kano I wouldn't be throwing rocks in a glass house.

They base their opinions on emotion, these are the same kind of people who sign petitions to ban water.

At least their grammar is correct which cannot be said about many of the deniers' questions here.

Did you know that the average IQ of a person who accepts global warming is happening is higher than that of those who don’t. It’s a fact. Although those people in the picture aren’t going to win any awards for intelligence.

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The test you linked to isn’t an IQ test, it’s a test of rudimentary science knowledge. I would hope that anyone who thinks they know about climate change got all 22 questions correct.

The conclusion from that study is not that skeptics know more about science, it’s that those who view global warming as less serious scored 57% compared to the 56% scored by those who consider global warming to be more serious. I stated that the IQ of people who don’t accept global warming… NOT those who accept it but don’t consider it all that serious.


They have to be a little smarter than you. Unless, of course, they also use WUWT as a reference as well. ... Somehow, I seriously doubt that do. A question for you, Kano. How does this picture, in any way, alter the AGWT?