> How right was this guy?

How right was this guy?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Steve Goddard back to his usual trick of lying and the deniers lapping it up without stopping for one moment to check the validity of his claims.

“Alex Hill, the chief government adviser with the Met Office, told The Scotsman there was no future for skiing in Scotland because climate change would see winters become too warm for regular snowfall.”

One quote taken out of context.

Goddard conveniently forgot the sentence immediately prior to this one “Scotland may be blanketed in snow this week, but the ski industry is doomed to disappear within decades, a leading climate expert has warned.”

Note “within decades”.

Clarified later in the original article “Met Office climate predictions, seen by The Scotsman, suggest that, by 2080…”.

Note – 2080, not 2014.

Goddard also conveniently forgot the part that says “the ski industry agreed that climate change was having an impact” just as he absent-mindedly forgot to mention that “The amount of snow has been decreasing for the last 40 years…”

In the face of reality Goddard’s article isn’t doing too well is it? Then there was the part where Alex Hill stated “"The ski resorts might do quite well for a few decades before the snow finally disappears. It might struggle on and do reasonably well for a few years, certainly over the next decade."

Hang on, so what Alex Hill actually said was that the ski industry would do well over the next decade. Why didn’t either Goddard or you admit to this.

What does the ski manager of Scotland’s largest ski resort have to say: That conditions aren’t as good as they used to be, that climate change is having an impact, that winters are becoming far less predictable…


How right was that guy – spot on.

How right was Goddard – abject failure.

"I wouldn't be investing in the skiing industry" =/= "There will be no snow here ever again".

Snow cover is becoming less abundant, less consistent, and so on. There may still be good years for the industry, but the industry as a whole doesn't have much of a future there.

He might be right. The planet has been warming for centuries. However, his timeframe is probably off. He is looking to frighten people.

You deniers just wont quit posting distracting questions, this one about a 5 year old quote. Why is that you ask? Well it is because between all the professional and amateur deniers, you can't disprove AGW!

Trev is right Goddard is nothing but a professional denier. He has no training in climatology, but thinks himself a climate scientist. He is an electrical engineer who doesn't know jack about AGW

With all the science acknowledging Arctic ice melt, this a**hole claims it isn't melting. Goddard may not even be his real name.

Any time you quote from a blog or self named domain, you flaunt your lack of knowledge. Sorry you don't even know enough to recognize lies when confronted with them by folks like Goddard

All 4 season's are back to normal. If snow was natural there, then it will be back to natural snow now or in the future is all I can tell you, other than Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelites reports of ICE Accumulation on different parts of earth. Mike

He is wrong like the others

Sounds like another instance of cherry picked, Jerry tricked.

09 February 2009

Alex Hill, the chief government adviser with the Met Office, told The Scotsman there was no future for skiing in Scotland because climate change would see winters become too warm for regular snowfall.

Mr Hill said: “Put it this way: I won’t be investing in the skiing industry.

