> Global warming is going to kill millions in the next few decades? Why bother doing anything since it's too late?

Global warming is going to kill millions in the next few decades? Why bother doing anything since it's too late?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Even if that's true, its still a net positive for the human race. The biggest issue facing humanity this century is not global warming it is POVERTY. We all get this. When you see pictures of starving African children its not because of the weather, its because they are so dirt poor they cannot afford to eat. Industrialisation is therefore a good thing because industrialisation is what made the west wealthy. Industrialisation is why you are not drinking water so dirty it might well kill you.

If anything, its the anti-global warming self appointed social justice keyboard warriors who are going to kill millions, maybe billions, because they are telling starving Africans DO NOT DEVELOP. Don't become industrialised. Don't become wealthy. Don't get a job and money and feed your kids. Because that might result in some sea ice melting. Heaven forbid the polar ice caps should shrink a bit.

Want to suck more CO2 out of the air? Allow the equatorial rainforest to regrow and expand. Plant more trees. Less pavement and more trees. Ocean's will continue to release excess CO2 as they warm for warm water holds less CO2 than cold water.

Biggest problem facing mankind: population control. We can't keep on reproducing uncontrollably or else we face extinction from starvation and disease, most likely brought about as the aftereffects of war.

Lot's of people are doing things about it, they're just trumped by the mercantile cartels that are profiting right now by continuing their practices. But it's not all bad, Greenland will probably become an independent nation state through the extraction industries that have opened up with the ice sheets decline. Meanwhile, India is still building a fence to keep out their soon to be flooded neighbors to the South.....

Basically... you can think of it a little like this.

Imagine there are several villages on a mountainside. They all hear that there might be a severe avalanche coming, but they do nothing. The avalanche starts. The first few villages? Are screwed. They won't have time to set up barricades or evacuate. But the villages further down the mountain do have time to set up barricades or evacuate, and the people in them can still be saved.

Now, the only perfect analogy for a thing is the thing itself. But the basic idea I'm aiming for is this.

Some people are going to be harmed by AGW. Some people are probably going to be *killed* by AGW. There are already people who have been displaced from their homes by rising ocean levels, for example.

But, there are a lot of steps between "no harm at all" and "all the harm". If we take action, we can end up on one of the steps closer to "no harm", and further from "all the harm".

I don't think anyone who actually knows about the topic is saying that it is impossible to mitigate the effects of climate change. What probably is impossible, at least in the short to medium term (the next 50 years or so), is to completely *reverse* climate change. We've put too much CO2 into the atmosphere, and there's some warming "in the pipeline" due to, essentially, thermal inertia even if we somehow managed to stop *all* net CO2 emissions right away.

Unless we figure out some effective way to suck a *lot* of CO2 out of the air, so we're back to, say, the CO2 levels of the '90s or so, there's still more warming to come. But, the less additional CO2 we add, the *slower* that warming will be, and the less of it there will be total. And that's the key to preventing severe damage. The Earth's systems can handle a *lot* of changes, but slower changes are *always* easier to adapt to than faster ones.

Have you ever played a team sport?

I ask because one of the most important things to do in a team sport is to play to the whistle. That is, if you think something wrong has happened and that play will be stopped, don't just stop. Wait for the referee to blow the whistle. It may not actually have been wrong or the referee may have missed it. If you second-guess the decision you will be playing at a disadvantage.

So, get on with your life as best you can. Don't try to second-guess what will happen with the climate. It has been much warmer than this in the past and we are all still here.

It has been warming for hundreds of years. It will continue to warm a little bit. Long term, people will be able to adjust pretty easily. Bigger problem is the deficit. Interest on the national debt is scheduled to increase by hundreds of billions of dollars per year, just the interest that gets paid every year. You could build plenty of solar power plants with that money, but the greenies keep voting for more and more deficits.

Relax. it is all propaganda, the true facts are a doubling of CO2 (maybe as long as a hundred yrs) will cause an increase in 3.7 watts per sq meter, which equates to 1C warming (big deal) the rest of the warming will come from an increase in water vapor from the small warming that comes from CO2, but this B.S. because any small warming will cause an increase in water vapor not just CO2, and we have had warming before and nothing went wrong.

We have had no temperature rise for 17yrs 6months, so dont worry, I am 67yrs old and the climate is just the same now as when I was a young boy.

It has been too late really, and you can't prevent it from happening. Now, bothered should try to avoid from Global warming effects. As human ruined the nature and natural things, and this causing hazards on the earth.

What you have are leftists trying to use natural variation and possibly some human caused variation to scare you to push their agenda. Since they can't argue for their agenda on its own merits they need to accompany it with lies and propaganda. That is the dirty little truth. As long as you get your information from propaganda sites such as Huffington Post and main stream media, you are going to get ridiculous exaggerations. You are right to notice their illogical claims. I think you should go the next stem and put them on ignore.

There isn't anyone up to date who believes in 'Global Warming'. Even its supporters know it isn't true so now they terrify you with words like 'Climate Change'. Would someone out there quantify Climate Change? Define it clearly enough so that we can test it. I lived in a small town and there were some kids who believed in the 'Boogy Man' who lived under the bridge. I lived not too far from that bridge and being the naive little kid that I was went down there many times to see what this Boogy Man looked like. Never did see that man but I did see young lovers down there. Do you think someone started that rumor to chase us pests off? However, I had several friends who say they saw that Boogy Man even into their teens.

You see it boils down to this. If you make up a lie a certain percent of the people will believe it. Now if an official of the government helps that lie along even more people will believe it. If unscrupulous but seemingly authentic experts support it then even more people will people will believe it. Hitler and Stalin brought this lying to a fine art or an exact science, if you will. Hitler laughed about it and stated in his book Mien Kampf "if you repeat a lie often enough and loud enough the masses of the people will believe it." This science of lying is used by propagandists and admen alike to this day and the same percentage of people fall for it. People on Madison Avenue make a living making you feel better about using a certain product even if it isn't any better than another.

People still belonged to the Flat Earth Society even after a picture of Earth taken from a spaceship was shown to them. And that was how many years after Galileo?

Even Abraham Lincoln knew about this exact formula when he said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." But these Hucksters like Al Gore keep trying because they unquestionably get rich by lying to us.

They want you to feel helpless and in despair. Then they can come along and solve the non-problem by taking your money and liberties. It is an old formula.

H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ― and hence clamorous to be led to safety ― by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

Don't fall for it! Be more afraid of the governments than the elements.

I'm so confused about global warming, and very depressed. Every article I read each day explains it is too late to stop climate change, dooming millions to starvation, thirst, and so on. Some even predict that the extinction of humanity is upon us. It is regarded as impossible to reverse climate change or mitigate many effects since the large amount of carbon in our atmosphere is enough to cause the catastrophic changes even if we stop all emissions right now. Permafrost can melt releasing a large amount of methane, leading to uncontrollable and extreme warming very quickly. The ocean acidification will kill off the plankton and organisms that grant us oxygen, so we may suffocate as well from global warming?

Everyone is saying "glad I didn't have kids" or "this is why I'm not having kids". If we are so doomed, why is nobody doing anything?

>http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/06/global-warming-un_n_5099769.html---> out of time

>http://guymcpherson.com/2013/01/climate-change-summary-and-update/---> McPherson's prediction: Near-Term Human Extinction

>Closehttp://www.scientificamerican.com/article/mann-why-global-warming-will-cross-a-dangerous-threshold-in-2036/d----->Close to crossing more tipping points

Seems like we're doomed. Why should I get out of bed in the morning, start a family, go to work, save my money, or bother living if global warming is going to essentially end civilization (the world as we know it) in my lifetime?

It's not going to kill us all. The the planet has been much colder and much warmer than it is now. Life is still here. Also, global warming isn't going to starve millions. Having a ever expanding population, 7billion plus right now, will.

You are propagandized, relax, there is no man-made Global Warming.

And first, please understand that the REAL debate is about "man-made" Global Warming --- not global warming. It's true there has been a little natural warming over the last several decades but it was NOT caused by human activity.

Man-made Global Warming advocates have no empirical science to back their claim. And their advocacy movement has been mired in scandal since its beginning. Here are some things you should know:

1) The Earth has been both much warmer and much colder in the distant past, long before the industrial age. Climate is indeed changing, but it has always changed and probably always will. These are obviously natural cycles that man does not and cannot control.

2) Global Warming alarmists have been caught in one lie after another. Huge scandals have been continuously revealed since the early 1980’s when the campaign began. Some of these are listed below:

3) Al Gore’s movie "An Inconvenient Truth" was full of bald faced lies. Like the Polar Bears were drowning, or the Ice Caps were melting, or the oceans were rising --- all lies. In fact a court of England ruled the movie was so flawed that it could not be shown to school children without a disclaimer.

4) The ClimateGate affair exposed the utter corruption of the Warmist community with their exposed emails speaking of how they intended to “hide the decline” and how to manipulate data and the peer-review process in their favor.

5) Then there is the fact that the globe isn’t even warming anymore and the small amount of warming experienced from the 1900’s to 2013 timeframe was negligible and well within the envelope of normal.

6) During this same period of marginal warming, scientists also noticed that other planets in our solar system were warming. What do these planets have in common ? --- the Sun.

7) Phil Jones, head of the Climatic Research Unit, the Guru and High Priest of Global Warming himself admitted there has been no statistically significant warming. If anyone on the planet would have been aware of statistically significant warming it would have been Phil Jones and he admitted there has been none. (Game Over)

8) Warmists like Al Gore refuse to engage in any formal debate on the issue. That’s because on the few occasions Warmist have debated openly, they lose, and they lose big. Lord Monckton utterly destroys them time and time again.

9) Al Gore and other Warmists have stated clearly that they want to make CO2 the object of a global tax. CO2 is the perfect object for their revenue purposes because you literally cannot live without making CO2, after all, we exhale it. And good science has revealed that no correlation exist to show CO2 drives warming. Demonizing CO2 is all about the tax dollars, and that’s all its about.

See the scam for what it is and don’t believe any of it.

Polar Bears are doing fine:


Phil Jones admits NO statistically significant warming


35 major errors in Al Gore’s movie


Court rules Al Gore’s movie unfit without disclaimer (11 major errors reviewed)


Graphs showing that CO2 does NOT drive Temperature


Warming on Mars -- and Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune


Lord Monckton destroys Warmist in debate (Video)


For the full story on the man-made Global Warming scam watch these:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

one man can't stopping global warming

Troll smarter. (You joined: Apr 08, 2014)

Quotes by Sagebrush (who frequently quotes Nazi's to further his cause)

"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA",

"Sustainability is a codeword for communism",

"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch",

"Justice and equality are codewords for communism",

"God has his hand on the thermostat".

It is not too late to lessen the effects of AGW on us and for future generations Act now to reduce your carbon footprint and encourage others to do the same .

No doubting the impacts of climate change, but there is hope for us yet... if we start NOW: http://www.thenation.com/article/179097/...