> How long will the global warmists keep up this charade?

How long will the global warmists keep up this charade?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The planet has started to cool based on record sea ice in the Antarctic and the rapid recovery of sea in the Arctic.


It has to do with politics and liars. I live within walking distance of the ocean, and was told more than thirty years ago that the highway and the town nearby would "flood within 10 years". Nothing has changed here. The temperature is the same as it's always been, and the sea level is the same. The ocean is so close to the highway that any rise would put water on the highway. In fact, with every winter storm drift wood is thrown onto the highway. Man caused global warming is a lie fashioned by Liberal politicians to suck money out of everyone and it pushes an odious political agenda. But, even with facts and observation people will believe all kinds of things even if those things don't make sense. Look how they all voted for Obama. Fools!

Well, considering that through July, this is the 3rd warmest year on record, it's hard to see any evidence that the "planet has started to cool."

Your "rapid recovery of sea ice in the Arctic" refers to this not being a record low year? It's still way below average, and still on a downward trend.

Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore on man-made global warming: 'It is a powerful convergence of interests among a very large number of elites, including politicians who want to make it seem as though they're saving the world, environmentalists who want to raise money and get control over very large issues like our entire energy policy, media, for sensationalism, Universities and professors for grants. You can't hardly get a science grant these days without saying it has something to do with climate change.'

Global warming alarmism is not science. It is, rather, an industry fueled by billions of dollars that the world’s political class showers on climate “scientists” to compensate them for producing silly projections of doom. The political class needs the predictions of doom to justify its own grab for more power and money, and certain compliant “scientists” are happy to oblige. Money talks, but it doesn’t necessarily produce good science.

You apparently insist on a straight line evolution, which is absurd. The planet overall is warming. That a couple unique points show a variation is irrelevant

"The planet has started to cool based on record sea ice"


Why did you post a link to a gmail inbox? I suggest deleting it.

When taxpayers force government to stop wasting $$Billions on so-called 'global warming' research and subsidies for so-called 'green' industries, the charade will end.....guaranteed!!!

The Alarmists will continue this charade for as long as we continue to give them big fat paychecks every week to do so. Why would they stop? Taxpayers are feeding them billions every year to just keep on lying. And you can bet that's exactly what they will do. They never want this gravy train to stop.

If we want the charade to end, then we need to cut their funding and then it will end over night.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 years.

You have really demonstrated your keen intellect by posting a link to Google mail.

Until we all have a Nissan Leaf (we'll have to stay closer to home)

I love how inbred white folk are too stupid to not keep listening to rich Mormons who hate them

The planet has started to cool based on record sea ice in the Antarctic and the rapid recovery of sea in the Arctic.
