> How does water pollution takes place?

How does water pollution takes place?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Water pollution can happen in a few different ways, I guess... Most of these ways are caused by humans.

Water becomes polluted whenever humans throw their trash onto the ground and whenever humans put toxins on the ground. Sometimes factories even have pipes leading straight into the water where they release all of their chemicals.

When someone litters on dry ground, it rains and that litter is carried along by the rain along hillsides, streets, etc. So even that could lead to water pollution...

Water pollution occurs in a plethora of ways, all of which come from indirect or direct human exposure to nature.

The direct way would be throwing waste in to a body of water such as sewage or physical trash. This can also be seen through factories that may dump chemicals in nearby streams or brooks.

The indirect way comes through accidents such as the Fukushima plant in Japan that leaked waste into the water off Japan.

Lastly, our increasing C02 output has also caused pollution in water by decreasing the ph of bodies of water which in turn kills marine organisms such as coral.

Hope this helps

There are several causes:-

1) dumping of industrial wastes in lakes or rivers

2) dumping household waste

3) using chemicals like fertilizers or pesticides near water bodies

4) leakages in underground storage

5) leakage of oil in seas from big ships or oil transporting ships

6) global warming

7) radioactive wastage, death of many marine animals etc!!!

Oil Spills

people put garbage in the water.

that causes pollution

Just look at the Ganges and how it is used. You will see.

From waste?