> Are we going back to dark ages burning wood?

Are we going back to dark ages burning wood?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

We need trees cutting them down for fuel is stupid

Lol. I find it hilarious that alarmists are making the situation worse for themselves. Unfortunately, burning wood will increase fuel prices which the energy companies will be more than happy to pass onto the customer.

First you really say more about yourself than your subject by continuing to post links to WWWT which is a denier rag. Secondly there is a difference in burning biomas and wood. Although wood burning does indeed spew a lot of pollutants and is not very efficient, contrary to the article, the burning of wood only produces a minuscule more carbon than letting it rot.

Show me a link to even one US power plant burning only wood. Many have done test burns with wood and coal combined but I have been unable to find one burning just wood. BTW they are using waste wood, not cutting trees. Watts certainly didn't list any even though the headline suggests they are around.

BTW nobody is forcing the burning of biomas, the important thing is to use wind and solar to produce electricity, something the article ignorantly overlooks

The only return to the dark ages is you DA deniers who are not far from the flatearthers in denying the reality of AGW

When you make fossil fuel energy more expensive, people will go to the forests and cut down wood for heat.

No. We are moving to a more advanced age, where such energy sources as solar, wind and nuclear power supply our energy needs, without smokestacks.

Burning wood is a good source of heat, besides I love the smell.

yes. cutting down trees is stupid and we need them. using gas for heat is better and for cooking cooked food can be avoided by eating and cultivating fruits so no need to cut trees and burn wood.

They want to take us backward to the 1400s .

No .Not now, but we should.



We need trees cutting them down for fuel is stupid