> How does climate change impact a travel agent?

How does climate change impact a travel agent?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hey, I have this short presentation tomorrow, and I have to explain how climate change would impact a travel agent? Can you please give me ideas? Anything helps! Thanks!

Travel agents specilizing in ski trips better know where there is little snow left. Would you book a tour where droughts are more frequent?

Climate change is a gradual process for the most part so as a regions climate changes, the travel agents will be kept abreast of the changes

Unless the travel agent is booking trips a hundred years in advance, I don't think it would matter much. Sorry, you have a very tough task ahead of you.

If people were really concerned they would be traveling less to reduce CO2 but as long as warmons continue to favor the concept that their actions are forgiven as long as they believe and that individually their CO2 contribution is insignificant so the only way to accomplish anything is for government to force action, travel agents only need to worry that travel will become to expensive.

Innovation is not forced by taxes or government regulations.

Where do you see Climate Change anyplace on this Earth? Everyplace that the calamity howlers have claimed Climate Change it has proven that there is no climate change. Take the Himalayas for example, it has been proven that, it was a false alarm and some scientists even apologized for it. Same with Kilimanjaro.

The question's purpose seems to get you sold on Climate Change as being real. That is pure propaganda. It has no scientific substance.

It gives them the opportunity to make their logo green, and then put the word green in their advertising about 400 times, and then appeal to people who will buy anything with the word or color green associated with it.

Both civilian and military aircraft are already testing new fuels that have far low CO2 emissions, i.e. from renewable sources


Virgin Atlantic have already had test flights using this fuel, it offers a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions.

Because while deniers pretend none of this is happening science and industry are working on real solutions that in the long run will have other benefits as well, like fuel security, i.e. a much reduced need to import fuel from the Middle East or Russia.

You might have problems with weather, but not climate change, in the last 150yrs temperatures have changed by 0.8C not something you could even notice.

It's kind of tough to get people to book trips to warm climates when warm climates are coming to them.

Hey, I have this short presentation tomorrow, and I have to explain how climate change would impact a travel agent? Can you please give me ideas? Anything helps! Thanks!