> How did Dorkster cover up his own dad being a Leftie Alarmist AGW Cultist who made a slew of money from the AGW scam?

How did Dorkster cover up his own dad being a Leftie Alarmist AGW Cultist who made a slew of money from the AGW scam?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
He asks questions and then hides behind the fact that he controls who is answering his questions. Typical actions from someone who doesn't listen to an opposing view in his inquiries. A closed mind for sure!

Where else would he learn to do such a thing? His dad maybe?

He probably had his dad do his homework for him too. LOL!

Is it time to change his diaper yet? It's been a month already?


Hail Koch Bros Hydra!

Poor Sagebrush, reduced to name calling and lying because he can't make an argument about the science.

Ad hominem attacks are a sign that you have nothing to contribute to the forum. Keep it up and even your fellow deniers will desert you.

To begin with; false premises "Hey Dook" (his proper site name) you have no proof that he covered up his dad, nor do you have any proof that his dad is a Lefty AND an Alarmist AND an "AGW Cultist" AND "made a slew of money from ANY AGW scam"

Secondly not only is this "question in violation of YA guidelines, according to your own argument YOUR dad would have told you you have lost the argument because of the name calling.

First there is no AGW scam and what the **** does dook's dad have to do with this