> Global Warming Deniers... Who do you think is paying this man to lie? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY5iUwf_FkE?

Global Warming Deniers... Who do you think is paying this man to lie? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY5iUwf_FkE?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"Often people who are paid (most are not paid of course) to say "global warming is fake" as this video does, get funding from Heartland Institute." I think I must have watched a different video to the one Hey Dook saw.

I am not going to agree that Tyson was lying but he, even so, may well have been paid by the producers.

With my sceptical hat on I expect I saw the video in a different way to that which you did. (And Hey Dook saw another clip altogether.)

I wondered why we needed to see moving images of:

? Flooding that could well have been in Somerset UK. If it was indeed Somerset it is worth remembering that the name means Summer Lands and it was called that because they were too wet in the winter to be of any use. King Alfred hid there from the Vikings during one winter. I don't think anyone could reasonably claim that the rain was truly unprecedented - although many did. The environment authority claimed that, previously, the water soaked in to the land but this year it was already wet.Waterway maintenance was largely blamed. There were pictures of water being stored near the sea rather than being drained into the sea to make way for the new rain.

? The emissions from power station cooling towers. Isn't that just water?

? Undersea divers. Do we really know about ocean pH? It seems that testimony to Congress omitted 80 years of data to help make the point that pH was reducing. Adding the data in shows it increasing. (It is claimed that the raw data is from NOAA.)

Already, my propaganda sensors had been triggered. Tyson then goes on to make the case that research into things in space is important. Remind me, what does he do for his day job?

He goes on to explain the greenhouse effect. Visible light from the sun hits the earth, is converter to infrared and the naughty CO2 stops it getting back out. Why did he not start with: Most of the radiation from the sun is infrared and the water in the atmosphere traps it on the way in?

So, I would say that he is not lying necessarily but he is just regurgitating the accepted view. The "interviewer" is providing suitable prompts and the images provide the rest of the propaganda for the gullible.

Colour me unimpressed.

Hard to say. The link from the youtube video to politicalyak.com is dead. Often people who are paid (most are not paid of course) to say "global warming is fake" as this video does, get funding from Heartland Institute. But probably there is no payment involved.

Hah he is not a scientist anymore, he is an actor, Cosmos script was not written by him, he was just saying his lines, so of course he has to back up his part in the series so as not to look like a hypocrite.

So to answer your question as to who was paying him, it was Cosmos producers and now he gets paid for doing interviews (very lucrative)

If he were willing to lie, he would get much more money from big oil than from big solar.