> Does this look like 2014 being the warmest year?

Does this look like 2014 being the warmest year?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

No it doesn't. GISTEMP and other ground based measurements say maybe, while the satellites say no.

Either way, it would be a very small warming trend peak to peak since 1998. The evidence for 3C,4C,5C or more of warming becomes ever smaller.

Assuming that Roy Spencer's data is correct and actually measuring temperatures as he claims, then 2014 may indeed become the warmest year recorded at the surface, but there have been warmer years through the entirety of the approximately 8 miles depth of the troposphere shown in the graph you link.

The satellite data is not a measure of air temperatures at the earth's surface. It is measuring something different and there is not necessarily a conflict

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

Gee I guess as there wasn't a massive El Niino and a warming of the lower troposphere I guess the planet is actually cooling then right? Let's ignore the trend line then shall we? What an awesome technique you have of arguing.

Not from satellite data which is probably the most useful measurement. GISS probably has a good chance of hitting it as that data is usually the most upwards adjusted.

Let's wait for the year to end.

I would also like to see the GISS data.

Then the infamous fat lady can sing.

Ask people in California about the drought.

Just wait - The data hasn't been run through the "hide the decline" filter yet.

Dr Spenser is a Creationist, therefore doesn't understand Science.

next question...

And this data makes you think that a new ice age is starting?



Nasa says yes

Btw.. Where is the pause?

Depends where you are, some places yes, some no, some no change!

Roy Spencer is a repeated denier of basic facts. http://www.skepticalscience.com/skeptic_...