> Does human activity have a significant effect on climate change?

Does human activity have a significant effect on climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Do humans contribute to the release of more greenhouse gases? Do we accelerate the rate at which the climate naturally changes?

In the short term, yes, absolutely......but over the long term......cosmic forces that man can do nothing about are in play as well. It's not one OR or the other........it's BOTH,

We need to do what WE can do, like stop dumping trash in the ocean.....but there isn't much we can do, about earth's tilt and weather patterns, that change over centuries.

I believe yes. It is only logical with the rain forest being destroyed, oil tankers spilling oil all the time, Trees being wiped out for developments, malls, industrial parks, companies spewing smoke in the air 24 hrs a day seven days a week, radiation from the Fukishima nuclear power plant in Japan spilling 300 million gallons of radioactive water into the pacific ocean everyday since 2013 to present. I don't no how human activity on earth could not contribute to the climate change.

NO, but if humans were able to change earth's climate. Then all life in and on earth would cease to exist. ( Nature controls earth's climate like its been doing for millions of years). Mike

There is no evidence that human activities affects climate.

The earth has gone through many temperature cycles.

That does not mean that we should pollute the earth.

We still have to live here.

Does human activity have a significant effect on climate change?

First we don't know what the effect is and we don't know how you define significant. Significant for one person might be 1%, for another 50%, for another 99%

Do humans contribute to the release of more greenhouse gases? We emit CO2 during burning of fossil fuels. The effect of that CO2 in the atmosphere isn't known and those who pretend to know don't.

Do we accelerate the rate at which the climate naturally changes?

If the climate were to have cooled, would warming cause and "acceleration"? The answer is no, it wouldn't. If you are asking if our CO2 emissions have caused additional warming over the last hundred years, most scientists would say PROBABLY. Since it hasn't warmed much in the last 20 years, the word accelerate isn't the right choice.

Climate change has been happening for centuries I have to say its natural. Warming the earth is a natural phenomenon.

Yes of course. Try this if every person was eliminated tomorrow what would happen? More plants, less emissions, so yes they do.

Now what can we do to reduce it is the question and at what cost. I won't bother to answer since this is just an opinion and you did not ask for mine.

I think human activity is one of the most important contributors to the climate change.Man's greed will ultimately lead to his destruction

Yes, but the fossil fuel industry doesn't want people to know so they've funded phoney studies spreading misinformation to assure they continue to make huge profits

I learned a lot from the movie The Core......if we don't keep this planet good it will turn around and kick our azz o.o lol

Yep we all gonna died in 20 years due to the 12 vortexs 0___0

Do humans contribute to the release of more greenhouse gases? Do we accelerate the rate at which the climate naturally changes?

No one has proven that mankind has enough power to significantly alter the climate.

yeah it`s global warming and it`s getting worse it`s actually really scary the places where the polar bears live are melting and there is just about less than one percent of the coral reef left lots and lots of poor animals are endangered because of us it`s really dangerous and scary.

No, not really. All this stuff about global warming is bogus.

There are many different ways to calculate the: Contribution that human activity has on climate change, but without 2 EARTHS to experiment on...It will never be "science"

No ,No Man can stop the waves on the ocean or a thunderstorm

Errrrrrrrrrrr if that is true what caused the ice age??

very few humans then..

of course he does man is a pain to the planet

yes that's true

ManBearPig has a bigfoot sized carbon footprint. Fact!

We can't just keep on breeding like animals,

Mowing down nature,

and Spewing pollution,

and expect nothing bad to happen.


It has millions of times the effect that elephants have.

Yes, we do. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


Man made climate change is a scam created by liberal politicians, liberal scientists, and the sycophantic mobs of mindless sheep liberal sheep (like you) to justify forcing more socialism on the world. DO NOT BELIEVE IN MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE! IT DOES NOT EXIST! YOU DONT HAVE TO ACCEPT THE TWISTED LIBERAL VIEW OF THINGS!

No one knows for sure, the odds are, that human activities affect the climate so minutely that it's un-noticeable.



what cry---mate change?